And death is the bridge between life and eternity
is to think about. We waited for this moment, we thought about it with pride and joy. Meanwhile fate had it otherwise. Beatification is preceded by not only the anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II, but the first anniversary of the tragic catastrophe Smolensk.
I and the other is a big commitment for the Poles. Testament and the legacy of John Paul II committed to fidelity, to return to those moments, to revive in himself all that is good and noble. But also in order to save from oblivion, manipulation, lies and slander the victims of April 10. That means every Pole, the enemy is trying to ridicule, and the world can not stop wondering.
With God's help, asking for the intercession of John Paul II, who called Homeland his mother and the turn sforsujemy Polish history.
just passed the sixth anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II.
special anniversary, for a few weeks, the Great Pope, already announced for the burial of the faithful will santo subito, now begins the path to canonization.
launch ceremony of Pope John Paul II a saint will be held on Divine Mercy Sunday, the feast established by the Polish pope. He died April 2, 2005, on the eve of the ceremony, which must always Wielkanocy.Na week after the Mercy of God preached with such zeal by the Polish nun St. Faustina was associated with the pope in white with Polish soil.
Much has been written on the subject, too many big words will fall. I leave them in the mighty of this world who are often without an examination of conscience and reflection in the mirror no longer practice poses and faces to a photo of St. Peter's Square.
My thoughts stop the suffering and going on one of my earthly unconditional authority.
When I go back to this week's national retreats along with the Holy Father and the dying, I reach a certain letter. The older I am the better it I understand.
wrote it, John Paul II in 1999 and came to the elderly.
Any age can check on the credibility of his words.
"Dear brothers and sisters, it is natural to our age that we return to the past to make a kind of balance. This allows you to look back into calmer and more objective assessment of people and situations with which we met in my life. The passage of time blurs the contours of events and alleviates their painful aspects. "
And then he writes a man who knows what pain and suffering, it is accompanied by all day.
"Regardless of our individual experience of reflection focuses on the problem of time which inexorably closing. / ... / A man is subjected to time: born and pass away in time. Day of birth is the first date of his life, and the last day of his death: the alpha and omega, the beginning and end of his earthly existence, as the Christian tradition, placing the letters of the Greek alphabet on the stones tombstones. "
Christian perspective does not leave a man helpless to time limitations. In old age "completes a measure of human life in God's plan for every human being is a period in which all things work together for this, to enable it to comprehend the meaning of life and to gain "wisdom of heart". "
And death is the bridge between the earthly life, and life in eternity.
What is the meaning of old age? Pope explains:
"It is imperative that we look back on life as a whole in perspective. The proper perspective is a eternity, and each The meaningful life is a stage of preparation for it. Also, old age has a role to play in this process of gradual maturation of a man seeking to eternity. This maturation takes the obvious benefits the social environment to which the old man. "
Does anyone today to see such a young age? What benefits can flow from the obligations to the old mother or father? What is the meaning of life? Ever complain about, something they still hurt, you have to be careful not to do harm to themselves, to provide care ...
Once in salonie24
broke a lively discussion about old age. Someone then wrote that he hates the old body, his smell, color, awakens in him disgust. So it is understandable that many people deliberately seeking to terminate life until they are healthy and fit.
John Paul II knew the views and arguments. Wrote in a letter:
"If we try to look at the current situation, we find that in some societies old age is esteemed and respected, while others enjoyed a much less respect, because the prevailing There mentality sets in the first place and the immediate usefulness of human performance. Under the influence of this attitude is called the third or fourth century is often ignored, and the older people themselves need to ask themselves whether their lives are still useful.
There are even that, with ever greater insistence proposed euthanasia as a solution in difficult situations. Unfortunately, in recent years, the very idea of \u200b\u200beuthanasia has ceased to arouse in many people the feeling of horror, what is the minds natural reaction sensitive to the value of life. "
"You have to realize that a truly human characteristic of civilization is the respect and love for old people so that they may feel - despite the weakening of forces - a vital part of society."
What have meant those words, how much weight would have had to speak them young and healthy person?
come back to the window, and St. Peter's Square. Outside, he died an old man, sick and suffering who knew what fear of death:
"It is natural that tame over the years with the idea of \u200b\u200ba "twilight". / ... / Boundary of life and death moves through our communities and keep closer to each of us. If life is a pilgrimage to the heavenly homeland, that old age is a time when we are most inclined to think about eternity. Despite this, we too, old people, struggling with the prospect we agree to leave. Indeed, it appears as a dark aspect of our human condition, marked by sin and thus raises inevitable sadness and fear. Are could it be otherwise? Man was created for life ... "
gathered in the square, people who followed him thought, prayer and a heart on the last trip.
And I already knew that John Paul II will be the patron of my death. It is His will ask you to pray that the death was the fulfillment of my life had meaning and was commendable.
testified that, what he taught what he taught is true. Testified to his life and death. His leave was a testimony to the lie that cause false litujÄ…cym over aging theories and platitudes about the relief of suffering by killing the old man.
His leave is a lesson of respect and love for the old man. Not aggressive medical treatment or carrying a drip death, he needs but their own beds, to alleviate the pain and love the people around him. So little and so many at once.
still look in the memories in this window illuminated with light and hear the prayer, and it closed the truth of human existence:
"... bread, Give us today and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil. Amen.
And it does not matter whether you're big or little like a speck of poplar fluff. In the eyes of God you are His child and needed. And in the eyes of the people?
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