To cheer the hearts of John Paul II in the Polish parliament
closer to beatification of John Paul II in this funny mediach.Jedni caught in a solemn tone demanded patetyczno-de-politicization of the religious ceremony. Others want even for a moment to appear in the media bulwersującymi statements.
And somewhere lost in the noise of the media being the size of the teaching of John Paul II and the fact that because of him many of the world found out, where is Poland, and wanted to know what dociekliwsi even a cursory history of the "far country." Many of his countrymen the ocean began to look for their roots and explore the country of their ancestors.
Unfortunately, we wasted time preparing for the beatification. Leave open the question of how it was negligent and intentional blur how to send the teachings of John Paul II.
It is impossible to make up for the time lost to the national retreat. Let us recall just one day and see how much we lose as a nation, forgetting about us and about us, tell us and the world.
June 11 - seven days of the pilgrimage. It was a long, very busy and extremely exhaustive day for John Paul Second, another for the longest pilgrimage to the Holy Father's native land.
report is on the network and everyone can read them:
As the lens of the program focuses on that fateful day all that was important in the ministry , the Holy Father.
Poland, as the Spirit alive in media coverage around the world. He could not say much, suffice to cameras, journalists and reporters followed him, and Poland has revived after years of enslavement there was a beautiful and proud. Who then would not admit that he is a Pole?
But John Paul II not only was with us then, but he spoke. And his words still unrealized nothing will.
Looking at what is happening in the Polish parliament, without hesitation, how to vote on the laws and ratifying documents limiting the sovereignty of the state, as nothing machine to vote agree to a restriction of the rights of the family, the devastation of the Polish school, health care, as many Members did not even read the legislation adopted, one can not think of a historical on 11 June 1999
"I give thanks to the Lord of history for the present shape of Polish transformation, for the witness of the spiritual dignity and steadfastness of all those in those difficult days of unifying the same concern for human rights, the same consciousness that can force our country to make better, more human. Jednoczyło their deep conviction of the dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed by Christ. Today has been entrusted to you that heritage of bold and ambitious efforts in the name of the highest good of the Republic. "
I wonder what today is, the sentence given by the Holy Father:
"It depends on you, which will take concrete shape in Poland, freedom and democracy."
Is this statement the Pope does not require a thorough, substantive, and not just political and piarowskiej discussion?
No one is curious, the average Pole knowledge about democracy? What for him to say this word? How do I understand the Polish school graduate, a student?
with emotion listening to the welcoming speech late. Marshal Maciej Plazynski
blink in the eye of the camera faces of the deputies, who died in Smolensk. It is also worth looking at some of the audience's historic speech of John Paul II, for example, a Member of Niesiołowskiemu. It may thus be easier for us to understand his present speech and behavior?
A Holy Father said:
"It is difficult at this moment not to mention a long history dating back to the fifteenth century, the Polish Sejm, or a certificate of notable legislative wisdom of our ancestors, which was the Constitution of May 3, 1791. Today, in this place, in a special way, we realize the pivotal role it fulfills in a democratic state fair legal system, the foundation of which must always and everywhere be the man and the full truth about man, his inalienable rights and the rights of all communities, whose name the nation. [I am aware of this], that after long years of lack of full national sovereignty and genuine public life, it is not easy to create a new, democratic governance and the institutional order. "
What today would say the pope in the Polish parliament of these difficulties in establishing a new democratic law and order?
And then pointed out and reminded:
"The place where we find ourselves, leads to a profound reflection on the responsible use of public life with the gift of freedom regained, and the need for cooperation for the common good.
Let us in this reflection will help calling to mind how many in the last two centuries of heroic Polish certificates pursuit of its own sovereign state, which for many generations of our compatriots existed only in dreams, in their family in prayer. I am thinking above all times of the partitions and the associated struggle to regain Polish, line drawn from the map. The lack of such basic political structure that shape the social reality was especially during the last world war so intense that in conditions of mortal threat to the biological existence of the nation, led to the emergence of the Polish Underground State, which had no parallel in the whole of occupied Europe. [Before I came here - said the Holy Father - spent monument. A monument commemorating the Underground State and the Army. For me it was an opportunity for deep emotion].
We are all aware that today's meeting of Parliament would be impossible without strong opposition from Polish workers on the coast in August of 1980 a memorable year. It would not be possible without the Solidarity movement, which chose the way of peaceful struggle for human rights and the whole nation. She chose the principle, then how widely accepted that there is no freedom without solidarity: solidarity with other human beings and solidarity than different kind of class barriers, and world view, cultural and even geographical, as evidenced by the memory was the fate of our eastern neighbors "
It is interesting that these words are rewarded with applause only the right side of the Polish parliament. It would be interesting confession left side then what she thought and why the words of John Paul II did not like it. What they thought then those who today so eager to push their plane to represent the Polish authorities in St. Peter's Square on the day of the beatification of the largest family of Poles?
Do you have the courage to stand over the grave of John Paul II and say: "Holy Father have allowed not only to trick the Polish workers, but also for the decommissioning of the historic shipyard, the closure of many Polish companies, he loses the national heritage. Today the norm is the mass emigration of young Poles in search of bread. There is no solidarity, the sign remained.
And John Paul II had said:
"The consequence of the choice of such peaceful methods of struggle for the society of free citizens and a democratic state, were - despite the suffering and humiliation of the victims of martial law and subsequent years - the events of 1989, which initiated the great political and social changes in Poland and Europe. / ... / About these events, we must not forget. They brought not only desired freedom, but decisively contributed to the collapse of walls, which for almost half a century separated from the free world communities, and nations of our continent. "
Contrary to what we all feel today and what we know and how we, if we felt free and full of enthusiasm on the agendas in their own homeland.
We also know more today, we know for sure that not so, as John Paul II:
"Memory of the moral notions of Solidarity, as well as our own, often tragic historical experience, must now act to a greater extent on the quality of Polish social life, the way of doing politics or any other public activities, especially those which are exercised by the social choice and trust. Service
nation must always be directed towards the common good, which protects the welfare of every citizen. "
enormous battle ahead of us and such a work, he referred to John Paul II.
Under one condition, after all that cease to be petentami and we require those who choose.
"It is obvious - the pope spoke on - that concern for the common good should be implemented by all citizens and should be reflected in all sectors of social life. In a special way, however, this concern for the common good is required in the field of politics. / ... / Exercise political power either in the community, whether in institutions representing the state should be a generous service to man and society, rather than seeking their own, or group without the benefit of the common good of the whole nation. "
Are these words do not sound like today's irony opposes harsh reality? But politics is only the pursuit of power. And there is no money, no dirty tricks, which do not now anyone who wants to maintain it.
This also applies to politicians calling themselves believers. And they are often supported by some of the Polish Church hierarchy, though and we both heard then:
"Such an attitude pervaded the spirit of service of the common good of the Church are expected primarily from lay Catholics. They may not relinquish their participation "in politics," or in the many different economic, social and legislative, which in an organic manner the common good (Christifidelis Laici, 42). Together with all people of the Gospel to saturate the human reality, thus making its specific contribution to the multiplication of the common good. It is their duty to conscience resulting from the Christian vocation. "
Whether we like it or not, organizing Polish home we have to start again and we must not pass over what is already said to us, John Paul II. Otherwise, the next outburst will use the Polish patriots, those who endured the difficulty of the parliamentary chairs when he spoke to them in the hope that it will not waste a chance of history.
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