" Homeland free deign to come back to us, O Lord "
See you today as they gathered on Sunday at the Krakow suburb sang motherland free deign to come back to us, O Lord. Do you think that a scandal?
After all, it is "spitting in the face" to those who actually lived in captivity during the occupation. Incidentally, many of these people in the PRL sang "Bless" - surfer said: http://twitter.com/ #! / Gibon102
Yes, I am from now on I'll sing "we deign to free their homeland return, Lord " .
Nay (add now), I do not feel that I spat in the face of heroes fighting for freedom, on the contrary, I am to them is guilty, I did not call the Polish free. Justification
me the same as a communist, and even a little bit and you will not need to justify, because there will be Polish.
Indeed, for many Poles the dungeons of the NKVD, the gulags, the terror of occupation, knives and siekierach Bandera, Gestapo prisons, PRL seemed to be an oasis of freedom to measure incompatible with the red necessity.
only well enough to arrange in that hut, wymościć straw in his corner, forget about the family in exile, to learn to pray quietly, have a family owner of a red card and be able to survive.
Naming soldiers fighting the Soviet invaders and rulers installed by Stalin's thugs koiło much remorse. You could not think of a few thousand activists shot of folk, Army soldiers, National Armed Forces and the wines death sentences, and shots of girls and boys whose parents are wrongly taught that God Honor and Fatherland. You could forget Fieldorfie, Pilecki and Łupaszce, then even be moved by the news of the death of Stalin and Bierut. You could also pretend not to know about the Katyn massacre of December 1970, Poznan in June of whether the victims Lubin, Radom and miners of the "Wujek" of skrytobójstwach martial law.
poet is not without reason wrote:
"That you see the world around, which gives a dull eyes" . And though the words related to the time of partition, still carry the current to this day the definition of a slave, who just in chains.
allowed the Poles, even the device of this shack; factories, shipyards, steel mills, coal mines, "Poland grew in strength and the people to live more abundantly." A crowd of informers, and separating the army from the scraps of your table, care about the illusion of freedom and from time to time paint the necks when wżerały chains in their necks. Indomitable sacked from work, their children thrown out of college, was beaten with a baton zomolskimi, shooting and running over with tanks.
If we had no where to sing: "Fatherland free deign to come back to us Lord," thanks to the wisdom of the Polish Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, and then the Holy Father - Pope John Paul II, several bishops, because not all Polish and beautiful heart of ordinary priests.
And if, despite the fact the slave barracks still dreamed of freedom, it is because some of the time managed to cross the border and see how free people live. For many it was the freedom of the filled bowls in Western supermarkets, but there were some who were looking for there freedom of speech and conscience.
usually heard even from the next case: you wrong? People's government gave you the education, housing, employment. Do not mix in politics.
And truth be told, it makes no sense to wade further into the details, because nobody better to barracks as George Orwell did not describe.
problem is that today, who remembers that time and has the courage to independent assessment, can not but see that's really just changed the password on the animal farm and the methods of coercion.
not legally cut off from the commune, not uwłaszczono upodmiotowiono and society. Traitors
ii torturers Polish patriots to this day protects the right.
Gądecki Archbishop of Warsaw in the Cathedral at the solemn mass in the presence of the highest authorities said
"They all died wishing to commemorate the victims of Katyn, and pay attention to the crime of genocide, which - by the will of Stalin - was made on the Polish officers in Russia in 1940. More than 21,000 Polish prisoners of the NKVD camps and prisons were not only murdered in the Katyn forest, but in Tver, Kharkov and other known and unknown places of execution. At the same time, the family of the murdered and thousands of residents were pre borderlands were sent into the Soviet Union, where they marked the path of the unspeakable suffering of Polish Golgotha \u200b\u200bof the East. Ground covered the traces of the crime, and lie had to erase it from human memory. Still, there were people who remembered. It belonged to them, this Polish delegation to the 70th celebrations anniversary of the Katyn massacre.
crash near Smolensk - the largest of the Polish tragedy in peace time - proved that the memory might cost. Especially when one imposes the death of a second. But precisely because of this faithful memory of Katyn lie became apparent to the public around the world.
Even though in this respect - We, the Poles - we are indebted to the victims of this disaster. On the first anniversary of this event we would like to pay tribute to them, "
Is it because we heard from the Presidential Advisor that Katyn was not a crime of genocide, but war crime? Kuzniar Advisor does not know the resolutions of the Sejm and does not know that Poland was not at war with Soviet Russia, or pretends not to know?
not complain, however, should enjoy freedom, because Archbishop Gądecki lucky Kuzniar only rectified his statement grossly lacking in diplomacy. And yet he could share the fate of Archbishop Fr. Col. Żarski. He could have said to the free Polish president to get up, dress down in public and cause a vacancy in the Poznan metropolis and even the appeal of the functions of Vice-President of the Polish Episcopate.
What is it our freedom, best evidenced by the fate of Fr. Col. Slawomir Żarski.
was publicly humiliated by Komorowski and transferred to the reserve only for the fact that he said in his homily:
'patriotism in recent years, as the value of individual life and community, no longer be regarded as necessary for existence ", and the value has become the" resourcefulness in meeting their own needs and the collection of personal interests, even at the cost of destroying the common good. "
This error is not already committed Archbishop Gądecki. Long's sermon in the Cathedral rozmyło Warsaw at the end of the naive appeals for reconciliation and dialogue. So this took over authority that immediately after the sign of peace and order of the bishop's blessing, have done with so-called. illegal camping at the Krakow suburb. And all in the name of freedom, dialogue and reconciliation.
A few days ago we learned that the rains last Polish naval shipyard, because the government is in arrears in payment.
We also learn that Donald Tusk is in talks over the heads of Poles with Medvedev on acquisitions by Russian companies in LOTOS.
http://gospodarka.dziennik.pl/artykuly/329250, tusk-talked-of-Medvedev-for-sale-lotosu.html
and Sikorski did not see any issues in the Russian provocation on the eve of an anniversary of the Smolensk disaster.
Do I need to add to this yet, that in a free Poland would be unthinkable that the Polish president was fighting with a cross scouts commemorating the tragedy of Smolensk, on the enemy consisted of a wreath at the Polish Russian birch, but around the crosses stuck in the Smolensk land for families who weep for their loved ones?
In a free Poland would be possible to deny the families of victims of the disaster victim status Smolensk? I read:
"... prosecutors, who last week lead separated from the main topic of civil investigations flight organization, they believe that now" we can not speak of a direct ratio to the existence of organizational catastrophe ".
http://www.rp.pl/artykul/2, 641764.html
If videos showing beatings of people during a demonstration for the learning of legal memory of those who died serving the country, evidence of freedom, I do not want such freedom. This is the freedom of Tusk and Komorowski, not mine.
Poland was plundered, demolished, humiliated, and this what was left, appropriated postkomuna. Instead of the law are directives, instead of freedom censorship. The remains governed by WSI and Translated szczujący We assume as in the past gladiators in ancient Rome.
no well-functioning institutions that broniłyby ordinary citizen. The Polish parliament is involuntary voting machine. Free in this country are still just gays and Lesbians. Mr roughed up for anything not in danger, as a joke about the pedals, you can fly out of the lot. Low terraces
pee on the cross and the "green" for Russian rubles protest on Polish soil, to decide on the use of natural resources Polish, Pole but there is no right to stand on the sidewalk, light a candle, to manifest their beliefs. Polish-language media
cyngli immediately call them kibolami helpfully. Although the role of kiboli just occurred here nasyłając authority "zomoli.
And as for the PRL again, the police can not protect me and my countrymen, only power that separates us from the barriers. And as for the PRL tells me to respect a law that tramples my freedom, feeling hurt and marginalized.
Maybe Poland is free, but not for me, not for the unemployed and the homeless. If it is free, then for Jaruzelski, Kiszczak and his cronies for those who stole the first million.
So we'll be in church singing "Motherland deign to come back to us free, Lord, "and ask, beg to give me a chance to see it without a truly free agents, zomoli, cyngli and useful idiots, without bishops, calling defenders and without cross sect members who, like passive calf raise their hooves in the party handcuffs to vote to increase the herd retirement captors, and sell the honor and sovereignty of the Polish.
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