Thursday, April 28, 2011

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To cheer the hearts of John Paul II in the Polish parliament

closer to beatification of John Paul II in this funny mediach.Jedni caught in a solemn tone demanded patetyczno-de-politicization of the religious ceremony. Others want even for a moment to appear in the media bulwersującymi statements.
And somewhere lost in the noise of the media being the size of the teaching of John Paul II and the fact that because of him many of the world found out, where is Poland, and wanted to know what dociekliwsi even a cursory history of the "far country." Many of his countrymen the ocean began to look for their roots and explore the country of their ancestors.

Unfortunately, we wasted time preparing for the beatification. Leave open the question of how it was negligent and intentional blur how to send the teachings of John Paul II.

It is impossible to make up for the time lost to the national retreat. Let us recall just one day and see how much we lose as a nation, forgetting about us and about us, tell us and the world.

June 11 - seven days of the pilgrimage. It was a long, very busy and extremely exhaustive day for John Paul Second, another for the longest pilgrimage to the Holy Father's native land.

report is on the network and everyone can read them:

As the lens of the program focuses on that fateful day all that was important in the ministry , the Holy Father.
Poland, as the Spirit alive in media coverage around the world. He could not say much, suffice to cameras, journalists and reporters followed him, and Poland has revived after years of enslavement there was a beautiful and proud. Who then would not admit that he is a Pole?

But John Paul II not only was with us then, but he spoke. And his words still unrealized nothing will.

Looking at what is happening in the Polish parliament, without hesitation, how to vote on the laws and ratifying documents limiting the sovereignty of the state, as nothing machine to vote agree to a restriction of the rights of the family, the devastation of the Polish school, health care, as many Members did not even read the legislation adopted, one can not think of a historical on 11 June 1999


"I give thanks to the Lord of history for the present shape of Polish transformation, for the witness of the spiritual dignity and steadfastness of all those in those difficult days of unifying the same concern for human rights, the same consciousness that can force our country to make better, more human. Jednoczyło their deep conviction of the dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed by Christ. Today has been entrusted to you that heritage of bold and ambitious efforts in the name of the highest good of the Republic. "

I wonder what today is, the sentence given by the Holy Father:

"It depends on you, which will take concrete shape in Poland, freedom and democracy."

Is this statement the Pope does not require a thorough, substantive, and not just political and piarowskiej discussion?
No one is curious, the average Pole knowledge about democracy? What for him to say this word? How do I understand the Polish school graduate, a student?

with emotion listening to the welcoming speech late. Marshal Maciej Plazynski

blink in the eye of the camera faces of the deputies, who died in Smolensk. It is also worth looking at some of the audience's historic speech of John Paul II, for example, a Member of Niesiołowskiemu. It may thus be easier for us to understand his present speech and behavior?

A Holy Father said:
"It is difficult at this moment not to mention a long history dating back to the fifteenth century, the Polish Sejm, or a certificate of notable legislative wisdom of our ancestors, which was the Constitution of May 3, 1791. Today, in this place, in a special way, we realize the pivotal role it fulfills in a democratic state fair legal system, the foundation of which must always and everywhere be the man and the full truth about man, his inalienable rights and the rights of all communities, whose name the nation. [I am aware of this], that after long years of lack of full national sovereignty and genuine public life, it is not easy to create a new, democratic governance and the institutional order. "

What today would say the pope in the Polish parliament of these difficulties in establishing a new democratic law and order?

And then pointed out and reminded:
"The place where we find ourselves, leads to a profound reflection on the responsible use of public life with the gift of freedom regained, and the need for cooperation for the common good.

Let us in this reflection will help calling to mind how many in the last two centuries of heroic Polish certificates pursuit of its own sovereign state, which for many generations of our compatriots existed only in dreams, in their family in prayer. I am thinking above all times of the partitions and the associated struggle to regain Polish, line drawn from the map. The lack of such basic political structure that shape the social reality was especially during the last world war so intense that in conditions of mortal threat to the biological existence of the nation, led to the emergence of the Polish Underground State, which had no parallel in the whole of occupied Europe. [Before I came here - said the Holy Father
- spent monument. A monument commemorating the Underground State and the Army. For me it was an opportunity for deep emotion].

We are all aware that today's meeting of Parliament would be impossible without strong opposition from Polish workers on the coast in August of 1980 a memorable year. It would not be possible without the Solidarity movement, which chose the way of peaceful struggle for human rights and the whole nation. She chose the principle, then how widely accepted that there is no freedom without solidarity: solidarity with other human beings and solidarity than different kind of class barriers, and world view, cultural and even geographical, as evidenced by the memory was the fate of our eastern neighbors "

It is interesting that these words are rewarded with applause only the right side of the Polish parliament. It would be interesting confession left side then what she thought and why the words of John Paul II did not like it. What they thought then those who today so eager to push their plane to represent the Polish authorities in St. Peter's Square on the day of the beatification of the largest family of Poles?

Do you have the courage to stand over the grave of John Paul II and say: "Holy Father have allowed not only to trick the Polish workers, but also for the decommissioning of the historic shipyard, the closure of many Polish companies, he loses the national heritage. Today the norm is the mass emigration of young Poles in search of bread. There is no solidarity, the sign remained.

And John Paul II had said:
"The consequence of the choice of such peaceful methods of struggle for the society of free citizens and a democratic state, were - despite the suffering and humiliation of the victims of martial law and subsequent years - the events of 1989, which initiated the great political and social changes in Poland and Europe. / ... / About these events, we must not forget. They brought not only desired freedom, but decisively contributed to the collapse of walls, which for almost half a century separated from the free world communities, and nations of our continent. "

Contrary to what we all feel today and what we know and how we, if we felt free and full of enthusiasm on the agendas in their own homeland.
We also know more today, we know for sure that not so, as John Paul II:
"Memory of the moral notions of Solidarity, as well as our own, often tragic historical experience, must now act to a greater extent on the quality of Polish social life, the way of doing politics or any other public activities, especially those which are exercised by the social choice and trust. Service
nation must always be directed towards the common good, which protects the welfare of every citizen. "

enormous battle ahead of us and such a work, he referred to John Paul II.
Under one condition, after all that cease to be petentami and we require those who choose.

"It is obvious - the pope spoke on - that concern for the common good should be implemented by all citizens and should be reflected in all sectors of social life. In a special way, however, this concern for the common good is required in the field of politics. / ... / Exercise political power either in the community, whether in institutions representing the state should be a generous service to man and society, rather than seeking their own, or group without the benefit of the common good of the whole nation. "

Are these words do not sound like today's irony opposes harsh reality? But politics is only the pursuit of power. And there is no money, no dirty tricks, which do not now anyone who wants to maintain it.

This also applies to politicians calling themselves believers. And they are often supported by some of the Polish Church hierarchy, though and we both heard then:

"Such an attitude pervaded the spirit of service of the common good of the Church are expected primarily from lay Catholics. They may not relinquish their participation "in politics," or in the many different economic, social and legislative, which in an organic manner the common good (Christifidelis Laici, 42). Together with all people of the Gospel to saturate the human reality, thus making its specific contribution to the multiplication of the common good. It is their duty to conscience resulting from the Christian vocation. "

Whether we like it or not, organizing Polish home we have to start again and we must not pass over what is already said to us, John Paul II. Otherwise, the next outburst will use the Polish patriots, those who endured the difficulty of the parliamentary chairs when he spoke to them in the hope that it will not waste a chance of history.

You can also listen to:
19:10 Blog: Catherine - John Paul II in the Polish parliament

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Back after Christmas Day ... Arts

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Friday, April 22, 2011

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Christmas ...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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And John Paul II spoke

Man goes to the resurrection - each in his own way. For many of us, it intersects with others in the Holy Week, the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in prison, in the community of adoring the Cross and the Tomb of the Lord, at the end, with bells bijącymi announce to the world: Christ is risen! Is truly risen! Hallelujah!

is not easy to share with others about what we thought in those days. Were it not for the Resurrection, the toil of life, suffering and death would make no sense. How talk about how to share what so personal?
not really know. Knock memories of smells and sounds of the family home. But these have all of us. And for all they are special and unique. Just close your eyes ...
Who, therefore, can be our teacher? Who is better and smarter can give to us that Easter is not lost in a "happy egg" and "zajączku?


Maundy Thursday - The Upper Room. apostles about the Master. Strange to them, "he says. We do not understand the gravity of the words and the importance of gestures.
And today many are surprised and do not understand. And sometimes it just take in the Upper Room Agape forgetting that without faith and a priest, it is simply a feast to commemorate the first one, this one over and over again by generations of repeating flipped.

And John Paul II has repeatedly said to the priests :
"The priest is always and invariably the source of their identity in Christ the Priest. It's not confirmed his status as the world according to their needs and the role it plays in society. The priest is marked by the seal of the Priesthood Christ, to participate in his capacity as the sole Mediator and Redeemer ".

Do remember that those who strongly insist that the priesthood is a profession? Highly placed here
bar for a mere mortal. How can this meet? Especially when so much from him, and Christ calls each of us, every blade of grass or crumb in the eye of their priest will notice. Indeed, without the knees and worship the council can not.


our knees bend before a cross in Good Friday. bare altar, stripped of honor, humiliated, helpless Jesus.

And John Paul II at the last station of the Cross said :

"Did Christ have to suffer to enter into his glory?" (Lk 24, 26). - These words of Jesus, addressed to two disciples walking to Emmaus, resound in our hearts tonight following the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum. / ... / "We have come to expect" ... Students are discouraged and depressed. We are also difficult to understand why the way to salvation lay in the suffering and death. / ... /
Dear brothers and sisters! - The Holy Father continued today-a man needs to encounter Christ, crucified and risen!
Who, if not divine convict can fully understand the suffering of those who met with unfair accusations?
Who, if not the King mocked and humiliated, may satisfy the expectations of so many men and women without hope and dignity?
Who, if not crucified Son of God, can understand the pain and loneliness of so many people whose lives have been broken and devoid of prospects for the future?

And we kiwamy heads to confirm the truth of these words and sing:
In the cross suffering, cross, salvation. Whoever guesses the cross does not fall .

one so well and so does not feel tangible sense of the words of the Pope and the Lenten songs like an old man, sick and without hope of work, rejected, and battered, single zdążający, even without the veil of Veronica and assistance of Cyrene.

But sometimes it happens when a miracle :
"Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him" (Lk 24, 31). After those two words in the hearts of hopeless wanderers zapanowały room and joy. They recognized his Master, when He broke bread .


bells, a long, cheerfully honking in the hands of the altar. Knockers will again wait a year in sacristy.

And John Paul II told young pilgrims at the graves of the Apostles :
In the third millennium of Christianity - the birth of Christ - which brings you to the young Christ entrusts the specific task of the apostles. Christ sends each of you and each of you individually and all together as apostles, mostly as lay apostles to preach His gospel in word and life, wherever you are, you learn whether you're working. It is very important "message together." / ... / Today, when many want to reduce religion only to the sphere of private life, highlights the importance of raising awareness of the social dimension of faith, its survival and to engage in this apostolskiego.Wyraża social nature

That there talking - tell someone. Today young people live quite another. Are you sure you all have good information? Look Around exactly round. And as we look around, you may be surprised that as many young people live differently than you would like the moderators of their consciences today.
sometimes enigmatic smile and thoughts go to his head - God, how hard and how ungrateful, and as sometimes dangerous. Without you we would not have opportunities for Christmas.

them and all who visit to my blog, heard, maybe by accident, her mother Catherine in the incorrect RadiuPL, greet me as parents learned years ago: Christ is Risen!
them and to each us wish that on the morning of the Resurrection, a miracle happened to the West we view the eyes the same as students podążającym to Emmaus.


so much I wish that my wish true, but it was not me I'm here.
This is John Paul II has still to speak to us. He said so when us farewell at the airport in Balice:

my homeland, beloved earth, be blessed!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

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Homes for keys ...

Good morning:)
me very busy weekend. On Friday-Szczyrzyc, planting kwiateczków, herbs ... How wonderful smells of the earth, amazing. For me, the burgher, such a trip is the breath and a moment of silence ...
A Sunday market in Spala, where once again my work appeared in the fresh air. The weather, sun tan spring obdarowało us:) So now my face is suffering;) did not think a cream with a filter for yesterday:) And today I wanted to show you (by the way thanks again for participating in the candy, and for all the comments. ..) houses for keys which have recently made:

They can be found HERE . You are cordially pozdrawiam.j.

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Dżozef - James Malecki

"Dżozef - Pablowa rating 10/10 decided on my immediate hearing with that same heading Jacob Malecki. From this book required a great deal and I can honestly say I do not disappoint me!

Dżozef Who is? Still the same, I wonder whether reading this book really have a chance to know him. But certainly, we know four patients, one of Warsaw hospitals. These are people with different backgrounds. The main protagonist, the narrator, a twenty-something of Sin, a boy from dresiarskiego environment, but at heart a decent and balanced man. His friends from the hospital room is a loss of time in succession, and the last Kurz, who joined - Fourth. Hospital pass another lazy day ... until they begin to disappear doors and corridors inside the building. At the same time fourth, with a fever begins the story hard. The sad story of a young boy, his family and a ghostly Koźle Drewniaku.

Soon action begins to take place on two levels. The two threads over time is growing ever more tense. Reading "Dżozefa" ideally, you can empathize with the situation. Although it seems quite unlikely, that the style and manner of horror stories, and increases the feeling of lurking danger, fear and unhealthy curiosity: what will happen next?

author in his novel mixes different styles. We find expressions typically blokerskie, the language simple and neutral, and Conrad quotes. All this is perfectly rip up 'the plan' "Dżozefa. There is no point, Malecki just has talent!

transfer which can be found in the novel is very clear. On the one hand we see the story of a man with a ruined life, on the other hand, we find that it can not be uniformly over the years to live, tiring of his reality, but to take matters into their own hands and fight! From the book of wisdom flowing sea life. But what can I say ... See for yourself.

Completion, although in itself it is not too surprising, it was really moving. The author does not leave any open files threads, understatements. Thus, the entire novel, all of its planes, from beginning to end, creating the ideal and unique whole.

a word Mr. Malecki was an original idea, which is great advantage of creating this brilliant and exciting novel. But thank you, congratulations, and please make more! : D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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" Homeland free deign to come back to us, O Lord "

See you today as they gathered on Sunday at the Krakow suburb sang motherland free deign to come back to us, O Lord. Do you think that a scandal?
After all, it is "spitting in the face" to those who actually lived in captivity during the occupation. Incidentally, many of these people in the PRL sang "Bless"
- surfer said: #! / Gibon102

Yes, I am from now on I'll sing "we deign to free their homeland return, Lord " .

Nay (add now), I do not feel that I spat in the face of heroes fighting for freedom, on the contrary, I am to them is guilty, I did not call the Polish free. Justification
me the same as a communist, and even a little bit and you will not need to justify, because there will be Polish.

Indeed, for many Poles the dungeons of the NKVD, the gulags, the terror of occupation, knives and siekierach Bandera, Gestapo prisons, PRL seemed to be an oasis of freedom to measure incompatible with the red necessity.
only well enough to arrange in that hut, wymościć straw in his corner, forget about the family in exile, to learn to pray quietly, have a family owner of a red card and be able to survive.

Naming soldiers fighting the Soviet invaders and rulers installed by Stalin's thugs koiło much remorse. You could not think of a few thousand activists shot of folk, Army soldiers, National Armed Forces and the wines death sentences, and shots of girls and boys whose parents are wrongly taught that God Honor and Fatherland. You could forget Fieldorfie, Pilecki and Łupaszce, then even be moved by the news of the death of Stalin and Bierut. You could also pretend not to know about the Katyn massacre of December 1970, Poznan in June of whether the victims Lubin, Radom and miners of the "Wujek" of skrytobójstwach martial law.

poet is not without reason wrote:
"That you see the world around, which gives a dull eyes" . And though the words related to the time of partition, still carry the current to this day the definition of a slave, who just in chains.

allowed the Poles, even the device of this shack; factories, shipyards, steel mills, coal mines, "Poland grew in strength and the people to live more abundantly." A crowd of informers, and separating the army from the scraps of your table, care about the illusion of freedom and from time to time paint the necks when wżerały chains in their necks. Indomitable sacked from work, their children thrown out of college, was beaten with a baton zomolskimi, shooting and running over with tanks.

If we had no where to sing: "Fatherland free deign to come back to us Lord," thanks to the wisdom of the Polish Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, and then the Holy Father - Pope John Paul II, several bishops, because not all Polish and beautiful heart of ordinary priests.

And if, despite the fact the slave barracks still dreamed of freedom, it is because some of the time managed to cross the border and see how free people live. For many it was the freedom of the filled bowls in Western supermarkets, but there were some who were looking for there freedom of speech and conscience.
usually heard even from the next case: you wrong? People's government gave you the education, housing, employment. Do not mix in politics.

And truth be told, it makes no sense to wade further into the details, because nobody better to barracks as George Orwell did not describe.

problem is that today, who remembers that time and has the courage to independent assessment, can not but see that's really just changed the password on the animal farm and the methods of coercion.

not legally cut off from the commune, not uwłaszczono upodmiotowiono and society. Traitors
ii torturers Polish patriots to this day protects the right.

Gądecki Archbishop of Warsaw in the Cathedral at the solemn mass in the presence of the highest authorities said

"They all died wishing to commemorate the victims of Katyn, and pay attention to the crime of genocide, which - by the will of Stalin - was made on the Polish officers in Russia in 1940. More than 21,000 Polish prisoners of the NKVD camps and prisons were not only murdered in the Katyn forest, but in Tver, Kharkov and other known and unknown places of execution. At the same time, the family of the murdered and thousands of residents were pre borderlands were sent into the Soviet Union, where they marked the path of the unspeakable suffering of Polish Golgotha \u200b\u200bof the East. Ground covered the traces of the crime, and lie had to erase it from human memory. Still, there were people who remembered. It belonged to them, this Polish delegation to the 70th celebrations anniversary of the Katyn massacre.
crash near Smolensk - the largest of the Polish tragedy in peace time - proved that the memory might cost. Especially when one imposes the death of a second. But precisely because of this faithful memory of Katyn lie became apparent to the public around the world.
Even though in this respect - We, the Poles - we are indebted to the victims of this disaster. On the first anniversary of this event we would like to pay tribute to them, "


Is it because we heard from the Presidential Advisor that Katyn was not a crime of genocide, but war crime? Kuzniar Advisor does not know the resolutions of the Sejm and does not know that Poland was not at war with Soviet Russia, or pretends not to know?

not complain, however, should enjoy freedom, because Archbishop Gądecki lucky Kuzniar only rectified his statement grossly lacking in diplomacy. And yet he could share the fate of Archbishop Fr. Col. Żarski. He could have said to the free Polish president to get up, dress down in public and cause a vacancy in the Poznan metropolis and even the appeal of the functions of Vice-President of the Polish Episcopate.

What is it our freedom, best evidenced by the fate of Fr. Col. Slawomir Żarski.
was publicly humiliated by Komorowski and transferred to the reserve only for the fact that he said in his homily:
'patriotism in recent years, as the value of individual life and community, no longer be regarded as necessary for existence ", and the value has become the" resourcefulness in meeting their own needs and the collection of personal interests, even at the cost of destroying the common good. "

This error is not already committed Archbishop Gądecki. Long's sermon in the Cathedral rozmyło Warsaw at the end of the naive appeals for reconciliation and dialogue. So this took over authority that immediately after the sign of peace and order of the bishop's blessing, have done with so-called. illegal camping at the Krakow suburb. And all in the name of freedom, dialogue and reconciliation.

A few days ago we learned that the rains last Polish naval shipyard, because the government is in arrears in payment.

We also learn that Donald Tusk is in talks over the heads of Poles with Medvedev on acquisitions by Russian companies in LOTOS., tusk-talked-of-Medvedev-for-sale-lotosu.html

and Sikorski did not see any issues in the Russian provocation on the eve of an anniversary of the Smolensk disaster.

Do I need to add to this yet, that in a free Poland would be unthinkable that the Polish president was fighting with a cross scouts commemorating the tragedy of Smolensk, on the enemy consisted of a wreath at the Polish Russian birch, but around the crosses stuck in the Smolensk land for families who weep for their loved ones?

In a free Poland would be possible to deny the families of victims of the disaster victim status Smolensk? I read:
"... prosecutors, who last week lead separated from the main topic of civil investigations flight organization, they believe that now" we can not speak of a direct ratio to the existence of organizational catastrophe "., 641764.html

If videos showing beatings of people during a demonstration for the learning of legal memory of those who died serving the country, evidence of freedom, I do not want such freedom. This is the freedom of Tusk and Komorowski, not mine.

Poland was plundered, demolished, humiliated, and this what was left, appropriated postkomuna. Instead of the law are directives, instead of freedom censorship. The remains governed by WSI and Translated szczujący We assume as in the past gladiators in ancient Rome.

no well-functioning institutions that broniłyby ordinary citizen. The Polish parliament is involuntary voting machine. Free in this country are still just gays and Lesbians. Mr roughed up for anything not in danger, as a joke about the pedals, you can fly out of the lot. Low terraces

pee on the cross and the "green" for Russian rubles protest on Polish soil, to decide on the use of natural resources Polish, Pole but there is no right to stand on the sidewalk, light a candle, to manifest their beliefs. Polish-language media

cyngli immediately call them kibolami helpfully. Although the role of kiboli just occurred here nasyłając authority "zomoli.
And as for the PRL again, the police can not protect me and my countrymen, only power that separates us from the barriers. And as for the PRL tells me to respect a law that tramples my freedom, feeling hurt and marginalized.

Maybe Poland is free, but not for me, not for the unemployed and the homeless. If it is free, then for Jaruzelski, Kiszczak and his cronies for those who stole the first million.
So we'll be in church singing "Motherland deign to come back to us free, Lord, "and ask, beg to give me a chance to see it without a truly free agents, zomoli, cyngli and useful idiots, without bishops, calling defenders and without cross sect members who, like passive calf raise their hooves in the party handcuffs to vote to increase the herd retirement captors, and sell the honor and sovereignty of the Polish.

Monday, April 11, 2011


hook for Girls

A boy and girl mom wanted to create something for children, but somehow always lacked ideas or wallpaper were "more adult themes." Well, but in the end it is:) hook, whose original purpose is a little room of some princess. In preparing a version of boys:) These themes Kids make amazing fun:) when my homie R.nosiłam still under the heart did not want to hear about the pink. I decided to buy everything beige, orange, green, purple ... just not pink:) I wish that you can not see R.teraz:) Rose has ruled for good:) I can not help seeing all the dresses, kokardeczki:) what will I do? :) So the seer it is super sweet:) Here it is:) And you can find it HERE

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cordially greet you and thank you for each comment: *** U

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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Necklaces and Earrings ... Earrings

On Saturday, my younger child has accepted Baptism. Our joy does not end there. The celebration of such events is an important time ... Since then, Baby R.jest in the Church community. Kind of obvious but ... Pride and peace przepełniły me. Baby rugged beauty in a smile all day on Sunday for a odsypiała much:) Today
necklaces kolczyki.Zapraszam and wishing you all a beautiful dnia.j.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

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Father Raphael. Unsettled times - Maciej Grabski

"If the TV series Father Matthew Wilkowyjskiej placed in the scenery," Ranches ", and all that move in the seventies, as we will get nothing ... Father Raphael!"
So began a review of Maciej Grabski's debut novel. "Father Raphael. Troubled Times" is the second book in the literary achievements of the writer. Equally successful!

As you can guess, we are dealing with a continuation of the fate of heroes przesympatycznych first part of the story about Gródek. In the little town, however, much has changed. The title troubled times are really making itself felt. The world around becomes dangerous. Lurk behind every corner of the danger. What to do? Father Raphael

always will cope:)

The story books Mr. Grabski threads wove more sensational than the first. Thanks to this action is more tense, but of course the book reads as thoughtful and willing to absorb the next page.

I think that in this part of you read much about Mai's younger Father's sister, which she created in me a great sympathy.

author of the book possesses an extraordinary ability to select information. Describes not what is most important, but what is most interesting. For example, on Christmas Eve itself mentions only in one sentence - that took place. And for an interesting situation having occurred during the preparation devotes many pages. This avoids the tedious descriptions wades ceremony, which, after all we know well from my own experience annually, but describes the situation funny and unusual.

But back to the book itself. Its climate is maintained in an atmosphere of the first part. Certainly you should read it, which wowed 'Father Raphael'. And all those who have not heard about it or you do not have the opportunity to read:
march to the bookstore and read both parts! Mandatory! : D

Highly recommended! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Who Does Shelly Sympathize In Frankenstein?

And death is the bridge between life and eternity

is to think about. We waited for this moment, we thought about it with pride and joy. Meanwhile fate had it otherwise. Beatification is preceded by not only the anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II, but the first anniversary of the tragic catastrophe Smolensk.
I and the other is a big commitment for the Poles. Testament and the legacy of John Paul II committed to fidelity, to return to those moments, to revive in himself all that is good and noble. But also in order to save from oblivion, manipulation, lies and slander the victims of April 10. That means every Pole, the enemy is trying to ridicule, and the world can not stop wondering.
With God's help, asking for the intercession of John Paul II, who called Homeland his mother and the turn sforsujemy Polish history.

just passed the sixth anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II.

special anniversary, for a few weeks, the Great Pope, already announced for the burial of the faithful will santo subito, now begins the path to canonization.
launch ceremony of Pope John Paul II a saint will be held on Divine Mercy Sunday, the feast established by the Polish pope. He died April 2, 2005, on the eve of the ceremony, which must always Wielkanocy.Na week after the Mercy of God preached with such zeal by the Polish nun St. Faustina was associated with the pope in white with Polish soil.

Much has been written on the subject, too many big words will fall. I leave them in the mighty of this world who are often without an examination of conscience and reflection in the mirror no longer practice poses and faces to a photo of St. Peter's Square.

My thoughts stop the suffering and going on one of my earthly unconditional authority.

When I go back to this week's national retreats along with the Holy Father and the dying, I reach a certain letter. The older I am the better it I understand.
wrote it, John Paul II in 1999 and came to the elderly.
Any age can check on the credibility of his words.

"Dear brothers and sisters, it is natural to our age that we return to the past to make a kind of balance. This allows you to look back into calmer and more objective assessment of people and situations with which we met in my life. The passage of time blurs the contours of events and alleviates their painful aspects. "

And then he writes a man who knows what pain and suffering, it is accompanied by all day.

"Regardless of our individual experience of reflection focuses on the problem of time which inexorably closing. / ... / A man is subjected to time: born and pass away in time. Day of birth is the first date of his life, and the last day of his death: the alpha and omega, the beginning and end of his earthly existence, as the Christian tradition, placing the letters of the Greek alphabet on the stones tombstones. "

Christian perspective does not leave a man helpless to time limitations. In old age "completes a measure of human life in God's plan for every human being is a period in which all things work together for this, to enable it to comprehend the meaning of life and to gain "wisdom of heart". "

And death is the bridge between the earthly life, and life in eternity.

What is the meaning of old age? Pope explains:

"It is imperative that we look back on life as a whole in perspective. The proper perspective is a eternity, and each The meaningful life is a stage of preparation for it. Also, old age has a role to play in this process of gradual maturation of a man seeking to eternity. This maturation takes the obvious benefits the social environment to which the old man. "

Does anyone today to see such a young age? What benefits can flow from the obligations to the old mother or father? What is the meaning of life? Ever complain about, something they still hurt, you have to be careful not to do harm to themselves, to provide care ...
Once in salonie24
broke a lively discussion about old age. Someone then wrote that he hates the old body, his smell, color, awakens in him disgust. So it is understandable that many people deliberately seeking to terminate life until they are healthy and fit.

John Paul II knew the views and arguments. Wrote in a letter:

"If we try to look at the current situation, we find that in some societies old age is esteemed and respected, while others enjoyed a much less respect, because the prevailing There mentality sets in the first place and the immediate usefulness of human performance. Under the influence of this attitude is called the third or fourth century is often ignored, and the older people themselves need to ask themselves whether their lives are still useful.
There are even that, with ever greater insistence proposed euthanasia as a solution in difficult situations. Unfortunately, in recent years, the very idea of \u200b\u200beuthanasia has ceased to arouse in many people the feeling of horror, what is the minds natural reaction sensitive to the value of life. "


"You have to realize that a truly human characteristic of civilization is the respect and love for old people so that they may feel - despite the weakening of forces - a vital part of society."

What have meant those words, how much weight would have had to speak them young and healthy person?

come back to the window, and St. Peter's Square. Outside, he died an old man, sick and suffering who knew what fear of death:

"It is natural that tame over the years with the idea of \u200b\u200ba "twilight". / ... / Boundary of life and death moves through our communities and keep closer to each of us. If life is a pilgrimage to the heavenly homeland, that old age is a time when we are most inclined to think about eternity. Despite this, we too, old people, struggling with the prospect we agree to leave. Indeed, it appears as a dark aspect of our human condition, marked by sin and thus raises inevitable sadness and fear. Are could it be otherwise? Man was created for life ... "

gathered in the square, people who followed him thought, prayer and a heart on the last trip.

And I already knew that John Paul II will be the patron of my death. It is His will ask you to pray that the death was the fulfillment of my life had meaning and was commendable.

testified that, what he taught what he taught is true. Testified to his life and death. His leave was a testimony to the lie that cause false litującym over aging theories and platitudes about the relief of suffering by killing the old man.

His leave is a lesson of respect and love for the old man. Not aggressive medical treatment or carrying a drip death, he needs but their own beds, to alleviate the pain and love the people around him. So little and so many at once.

still look in the memories in this window illuminated with light and hear the prayer, and it closed the truth of human existence:

"... bread, Give us today and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil. Amen.
And it does not matter whether you're big or little like a speck of poplar fluff. In the eyes of God you are His child and needed. And in the eyes of the people?