Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Aeg Washing Machine Diagnostic

Old View Post Chronicle - Andrew Pilipiuk

Description of cover:
Wanted: Old View Post
Born: around 1900, where - no data
Education: more than three classes of municipal schools for the Tsar still
Resident: Stary Majdan, gm. Wojsławice
Occupation: social parasite
Anyone who knows his whereabouts are invited to alert the authorities.

My review:
As its name suggests, the action takes place around a man named Old View Post. This is a very special character, which really gives the character of the book Andrew Pilipiuk. The collection of short stories also play a big role colleagues Wędrowycza who like it are veterans of the war. Since the birth of Jacob falls on 1990, which is the beginning of the twentieth century, the figures in his life he was faced with the reality of Polish People's Republic, as well as the situation of interwar and rebuilding the country after the two wars.
Wojsławice, which is the main place of action, but they are forgotten by the world village, where urban civilization had not yet arrived. Even the priest who came to the parish, he was sent there to convict. Returning to
Wędrowycza same form, except in the footsteps of his personality odciśniętymi by the war, that speech, a bit east, Palani hatred for the Germans, Jacob, is above all an ardent supporter of alcohol in any form. In the basement, like almost everyone in Wojsławice, moonshine rushing and often goes to the pub to drink in the company of your best friends.
James, though a bit old age continue to work in its informal job amateur exorcist, and although hardly anyone believes he's officially the merits, even the church is using its aid could not cope with the forces of evil.
climate in which it was written, this book is very original. Her idea is fresh, are not repeated motifs from other fantasy books. "Chronicles of Old View Post" is proof that contemporary fiction in particular Poland, can be really excellent literary genre, provided that you go about working on a novel in such a responsible manner as it has done Andrew Pilipiuk. When he continued to create lightweight but also feathers, and the language in which the book is written, is simple enough to reach everyone.

Who recommended?
recommend to all who love good humor. This book allows you to discover the real party of Polish fantasy. My rating is 8 / 10.


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