Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Waxing Before Taking A Bath

Ah, that today's youth! Successes

shocked I hear voices all around me and online discussions. Ah, that today's youth! drink, dope, łajdaczy up. He has no ideals, sex is treated lightly, it is not resistant to adversity, can not cope with stress. And in general is aggressive and Chamsk.

obiegówki It's so that they find difficult to discuss, because both criticizing and young people are different. Blame for the relaxation of morals in upbringing is believed to be stress-free, zapracowaniu parents, making no demands at school, peer pressure, fashion, or simply lack of opportunities (unemployment, poverty).
alone can give many examples of behavior of young people who najgrzeczniej saying, shock normal human being.
Recently I traveled so. okejką shopping. On the back was coming to talk to me;
- I do so ... (... przerywnik burdelowy) will not leave. I told her ... (... przerywnik burdelowy). What about this ... (... przerywnik burdelowy) do you think?
Because I heard a nice, girlish voice, absolutely not match the cut scenes, I watched up. I saw a boy and a girl. We both like the fashion magazines. Young, dorodni, beautiful appearance and nature, and a dictionary as the gutter. Why? I can not answer this question. Will there be about a pathology, the degeneration? Fashionable clothing, cosmetics, cell-fed ... poverty? Probably not. But such vocabulary, the other day I heard among the supporters of the beer booths. I felt sorry for them.

Each issue of social maladjustment, or even conflict with the law, alcoholism, drug addiction is different. The statistics are grim:
  • beer drinking 73% of boys and 67% of girls
  • Wine 69% boys and 36% of girls
  • vodka and 14% and 7%
Apparently, according to studies, almost every young person knows, or dealer, or people who take drugs. A substantial part of the time even though they tried. Are present at the discos and prywatkach.

outcry after New Year's Eve, youths chlała, ćpała and rzygała.
do not know the age of disgust, but apparently not in mine, otherwise remember that in every generation is complaining about young people in every generation to date is a proverb - "He forgot he was an ox and a calf." Even under communism, when he was allowed to walk around the city only to the 20-th, and for cigarettes and alcohol wylatywało with schools, young people are not free either from drinking or from sniffing or drugs. Sex was not only a marriage. Is there a similar scale? I do not know, because then this is neither spoken nor written. I can use their observations. In high school we were polite, and if there was alcohol in the home, where parents have gone. Otherwise things were in the dorms. Here, the traditional ways were found for the late returns, and sometimes flowed from pure red card or a quarrel.
But student life, was probably similar to today. Since no one is averse to events, and hosted by the policing despite the overt and covert Cerberus, often swayed from abuse and percentages, especially after the credits, or exams.

So today has shifted to clearly limit the freedom of non-compliant , destructive psyche and health of children and adolescents. But it became something more, something more disturbing; shifted the boundary powerlessness in the face of such behavior both at home and at school or on the street. Of course, nobody admits to helplessness, so we can speak only about the tolerance of inappropriate behavior.

Something seems to me, however, that powerlessness is fake and forced tolerance of business. After old will not go into city hall to shoot landrynkowym sparkling wine, not to be equipped in zgrzewki breweries. For young people looking for cheap Sylwek always can count on.
It is better to sit with friends at the table, drink in the warmth of my vodka, talking about tough times and troubled youth rather than an interest in what at the moment my teenage child is doing.

It was still something I have not experienced in his youth. never heard from older people, are responsible for me that is crossing borders, "as usual". Each of us knew about the consequences of drinking, whether as Drug wagarowania and was happy that he escaped a freak of amphibian. We knew very well what we are allowed and what is not. Normal was not crossing borders, but the tendency attributed to youth and hormones buzującym breaking taboos. Always attracted to the forbidden fruit, and sometimes the effects of it was deplorable. Tragedy, however, only begins there when tasting the forbidden fruit becomes the norm.

enter dangerous territory of complaining about the youth and look guilty?
consent. I change the subject and begin to wonder, can someone answer or advise on where to seek knowledge.

How is it that young people want to study, work and often pulled two faculties? I had a free holiday. Sometimes I worked one month to the next two to rest. Show me today, young people who are not looking for income while on vacation in Poland or abroad.

How is it that you find time for training and language training, hours of practice in music schools, and end various courses, give private lessons?

To gain coveted qualification for free are willing to work in reputable companies.

From these young people working in different communities, where young people working in hospices, in the colonies for children from poor families?

Is a young, cynical bastard, without principles, respect for elders, without ideals, big dreams could be recruited into the sect? Yet each year, various sects recruit during the holidays for young people? What
there looking for, why agree to a sacrifice, why the guru is more important than parents, friends?

Maybe it's true that kids today is terrible, but what we, adults, about it do we really know?


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