time to start marketing
What fears Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Tomasz Kalita knows.
I do not know what to fear the former prime minister and president of the PiS.
But I do know what he would do today with such policies
Jozef Pilsudski.
Not every bark you have to react, and certainly not on such
, dictated, approved by the WSI to
implementation in the Polish media in consultation with the NKVD, the KGB,
FSB, GRU, or whatever it is there now called?
SLD spokesman deceptively close to Palikot,
seen in the same position and from the same teachers received
Never mind. Do you sooner or later end like this
If I write about this RED SWOŁOCZY ( please forgive me, but there is another term for piaru robionego in this way), it is because they reminded it's how I still current brochure Jozef Mackiewicz the 1944 - Optimism is no substitute for us Polish.
He writes there: As long as there
Bolshevism in the world, the greatest enemy of any nation
a Bolshevik of the nation.
If we therefore want to sort. According to the numbering
current Polish enemies, we would have the following table:
Enemy No. 1 - Pole Bolshevik
Enemy No. 2 - Bolshevik at all
Enemy # 3 - Germany.
I wonder which category include parties, clubs, politicians and their spokesmen, spolegliwie who repeat the lies of propaganda Putin. have the formula for every call "dastardly use of the Smolensk disaster policy" , but they do it without hesitation and without qualms harming Poland.
I also think about those who accept without hesitation
Kalitów versions of mysterious late pressure. Presidential
pilots and other lies.
to them, as I found, fit the rest of that
brochure here:
... enemy number overarching sense przedpierwszym, is this a good and honest Pole, who tells us that Bolshevism is not scary / ... / that the fight against him is not current.
really Bolshevism in any form no longer exists, and Kalita shameful statements are just political marketing?
some time when washing my thoughts revolve around the weakness of Polish wine, which, thanks to the so-called. Balcerowicz reform, then Buzek, joining the EU was from one year to become a prosperous country and approach the living standards of the West.
And there was a moment, a brief flash of hope in 2005, lowering taxes, stimulating the building industry, Restoration of roads due to the increasing affluence of local governments and to benefit from EU subsidies, unemployment fell, many Poles are coming out of the bank loan traps. Restoring apartments, bought cars, invest in
own small business. Scholarships for graduates gave the opportunity to reduce youth unemployment is closing schools and studios.
Since 2007, slowly all the activities that stimulate the Polish economy froze. And the worst is yet to come. The Prime Minister of the exposé szumnego nothing left. Copies
to humiliate us and internationally. So long
agencina can dictate the kind of news-Polish press, and the spokesman for the Communist Party is doing washings mug new boss at the expense of Polish raison d'etat. Assails us junk, overwhelming doubt different marketing, different from the same ad for Feature can be sick.
Those who see it and know the causes, embraces blogging wściekłość.Setki scraps of dry noodles do not leave the government of Tusk.
now have it easier. From feralnych performances Donald Tusk after the publication of the report MAK longer allowed to criticize the boss and paste pictures that were previously reserved only for Kaczynski.
Poor Tusk did not read see Mackiewicz, because if they teach us a little in recent history, it would know that it is so, as once the Wasilewska, Wędrychowskim and Berling. They thought that they had policies. Meanwhile, former absolutely nothing beyond the numbers marked, instead of the figure, their own names to lure . The Soviets practiced policy.
Who today it is grown in Poland?
complaining and ride on anything but not Tusku zwojujemy. We will also be the last fools if we gain with "constructive criticism" within the party OP.
I was thinking rag waving in murky water that once again we are doing in the horse. We take the media to start the election campaign as the beginning of the end of the government establishment, by changing the "numbers", whereas the scheme is confusingly similar to the changes I. Communist Party secretaries. Chief
yell - Help?, And the people responsible - HELP!
I will be back again after the elections "500" days of tranquility and intense work
Any chance?
On the beginning of logical thinking and a male decyzja.Jeśli it is true that does not count those who signed, but the one who dictates , it is time to determine who, what and why and why so dictates meekly, all this dictation prescribe?
It is not enough. I still need to take an example from our enemies and get to know each Pole - not necessarily in the form of language salonowym scholars arguments.
There is even a chance. A few decent journalists lost their jobs in the "independent" media.
will just whine and complain if they're going to work?
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