Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rugby Initiation Blog


"Humanity is like a split between those who believe in the omnipotence of man (believe that anything is possible, if one knows how to direct the masses) and those for which the primary experience has become its own powerlessness. " - writes in the first years after the war, Hannah Arendt

It seems that the faith of those first decades of the possibility of directing the masses of the corresponding failure at 100%. The others, although some claim that they do not give them direct and have your wits. With them, however, advised me also. With their own free will isolate "from all over the world," and believe that "lie on any of the side." This is not a hit thanks to the impact of Maryla Rodowicz. Everyone saves himself, how can that not go crazy. After a series of television watched by his wife, the latter - the glass screen lovers powerless when the house goes to sleep just dream scour the pages are not necessarily programs or sports, to give myself a decent job, free from politics and absolve the sin of his own powerlessness.

In fact, in accordance with the recommendation of the political consultant, and so are condemned to "an exciting narrative" in the elevator on the policy has no class Yaroslav Kaczyńskiego.Temat a bit worn, but not quite protest, because the work is hard.

sit at my desk, mindlessly click on Onet or wp , then another Turnips, sometimes Journal , and sometimes regional portal. With slight variation, the same thing everywhere, so it must be true. Yes, it happens that someone is divided for morning coffee shocking information, such as the one that Anna Komorowska cleverly concealed embarrassing biography. But ... and now we have a ready excuse for hiding these facts before us during the campaign election. We do not need to be ashamed that we voted on "do not know whether the Count."

similar fate lies in the information on Smolensk. If you've been in any way by removing the cut and porozrzucanego wreckage of the airplane, we can not forget the assurances of television journalist to pick up a piece of aircraft debris by bit, to investigate the crash, because it happens all over the world, it remains in the reserve idea. And what can we do? Russians, and so we will not allow.

And so briefly, in the simplest terms, but without damage to its image, we favorite stereotype of the Pole, through which he can with impunity Tusk include unfavorable contract with Gazprom, plan the construction of nuclear power is not a member of the EU but with Russia, remain silent or mislead the gas pipe, and Komorowski, a hug from wiernopoddańczo Medvedev.

This stereotype also works at the local level. Sexual pervert nearly won the election, because the stupid people ...

Different wise heads analyze, communicate, seek, why why that.
And I just think to myself that perhaps this stereotype begins to crumble when you begin to Polish politicians are wiped his mouth acting to its detriment. Something tells me that the shock after the presidential election has not yet passed. Przestraszono a result Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Polish patriotism, or growing? After all, nobody zawłaszczałby the myth of late. President Lech Kaczynski, which grew from day to day. Nobody wydzierałby PiS electoral terms, if it is not profitable. Maybe that is desperate piarowskie tricks, and kneeling before the Tsar of All, because time is running out and you need to arrange a landing?

I have no more information, or access to secret sources. My scale to measure political involvement of all, without exception, state structures and public institutions is as far as my experience and observation.
heard that joke circulating among lawyers. Poland is reportedly the only country in which power operates first, and then to work looking for a suitable law. So it was on the afterburners.

What dociekliwsi fortunately the jokes did not stop and ask.
How is it possible that, contrary to law and according to non-existent law, is put at the attention the day off from work an institution established to protect the rights of citizens?
How is it possible that Sanepid participates together with the police in the unlawful enterprise to the Prime Minister? Why do not journalists ask about it or ask the Prime Minister's questions about the circumstances of the Chief Sanitary Inspector shares?

They are surprised today. How is it possible that there is a crowd of journalists and reporters at the door after reading the different offices 49 (not only) the number of Polish newspapers ?
Why, emotion and discussion for journalists and columnists enough for a week. And not just because of the history of presidents Family or interview with Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Each page is a question to the Prosecution, Arab or CBA and agent Tom Kaczmarek.

after discontinuation of reading the paper edition of the newspaper hair bristles on the head. Is it all true? And if so, someone like my mother Catherine must ask if it's just theater? There is nothing to worry about, you can safely choose a side and lay down to sleep? I'm not concerned?
Everything that's already there. The illusion of "golden age" of the world already upcycle. During the interwar period it was the most important economics and the economy, and politics has become theater, exciting narrative in affluent table. Unfortunately, not all and it was a mistake, which cost an unimaginable tragedy so far.

My instinct tells me that is worse than it describes even Gazeta Poland . And she does not move too often topics that might decisively reveal a sick system of our country. Reading articles probing the strengths and you'd think that the system itself is not bad, it spoils systems and mafia links, ill people in positions, wrong party, and not preserved the status quo of the PRL. Well, I'm not going to argue, the world's people know more than a mother Cathy.

Looking at the jerky movements prevailing kindness to us, despite everything, I feel hope that the period of the feeling of helplessness is already over.
still waiting the day on which the Polish Gazeta read not only about the nasty secrets of the First Lady, but also find a relationship, such as of such processes Wladek how to describe where he won only one blogger in the scrap MarkD - winner , but no journalist. (One even had a sincere commitment, but apparently he was not allowed.)
Waiting for this effort, I am still waiting, when a freelance journalist also devotes some precious time to be exposed not only the scandals, but a system that allows for the affair. I look forward to even trace the fate of the opposition, which in the same courts, often from colleagues of the same judges who sentenced them, calls for the rehabilitation of repression and persecution already for 20 years.
Some may say that I dream and end up like thousands of mothers, wives and children of Polish patriots who were murdered in the prisons and the ubeckich zomowskich bullets, bitter and lonely. A Jaruzelski no one will judge. How can we not tried the murderers of General "Nil".

Let them, since it must be so ... It does not matter to me. Simply everyone must do their own thing. A mine is nothing but scrap to recover the free space in Poland for people like me. Maybe it is convenient to live in the delusion that I have the right to lie on any of the side, but what I do, how I like to stand, look directly into the eyes and laugh in the face those who would like me to knock the legs, because it seems to them that, like me, you have successfully advised.


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