Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fixing Irregular Menstral Cycles

"I love our homeland more than his own heart"

Undoubtedly 30th anniversary of the death of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the Polish Primate is a big problem for the Polish church and for the politicians or trade unionists referring to the tradition of Christian Trade Unions.

28 May 1981 year, the Solemnity of the Assumption, in a few days after the assassination attempt on John Paul II, the Primate of the Millennium, the Cardinal went to the Lord at the age of 80 years, 57 of them survived in the priesthood, 35 years as a Bishop, 32 years was the archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw and the Polish Primate, for 28 years a member of the College of Cardinals.
great Pole and a Polish prince of the Church.
It is easy to slip up on dates, numbers, quotes after the round, with emotion, recalled the royal funeral of Cardinal, already a bit harder to recall the fight against cross with flowers and candles at Victory Square, where there was a coffin during funeral ceremonies. Raises too much politically incorrect connotations.

And it becomes quite impossible to speak of protecting the iron hand of Cardinal Polish Church, the episcopate and the clergy against breakage and the marginalization of faith in the fatherland. Yes
much was said in the media about the arrest and imprisonment. Easily cites the words:

When I'm in prison, and will tell you that the Primate of the things of God revealed - not believe it. Had they said that the Primate has unclean hands - do not believe it. Had they said that the Primate chickened out - did not believe it. When they said that the Primate of working against the nation and their homeland - do not believe it. I love more than my own homeland heart and everything I do for the Church, I do for her.

But when they fall, almost always someone will remind, that the Primate has already signed in 1950 "Agreement" with the communist enemy. Sustained combat soldiers died AK, NSZ, continued terror, and Cardinal. Stefan Wyszynski, has signed an agreement. Cardinal says Sam
openly about this fact:

Why was leading to "the Agreement"? I've been from the beginning and still am of the opinion that Poland, and with it the holy Church, too much blood lost during the Nazi occupation, to be able to the currently allowed to continue its passage. You have at any price to stop this process of spiritual bleeding is to be able to return to normal life, necessary to develop the nation and the Church, to live ordinary ... .
A communist government does not fail to accuse him every step of failing an agreement, but from the beginning she did not intend to keep them.

A behind the scenes political games against the Catholic Church in Russia and the Soviet Communist authorities reminds us of last Incorrect Radio Audiobook PL emitting Joseph Mackiewicz, "In the Shadow of the Cross"

And I reach for to his bookcase. There is in it, besides "collected works" Primate of the Millennium , another important book that should be familiar with young people before they absolve the lack of vetting in the Third Republic and yell cheerfully - Stop the IEP! - "Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, the Primate of the Polish communist security apparatus of the documents (1953 - 1956)" .

a pity that only till 1956, because I was thinking that it also could prove to be interesting reading notes and documents from later years, until the death of the Primate. Maybe not today, so it would be compromising some of the Polish Church hierarchy behavior such as this one: Bishop of the Church sharply Pieronek
invaluable in this publication is an introduction to the author's elaboration of documents - Bogdan furnace. It presents an overview of key facts communist authorities' policy towards the Church and how it is monitored after breaking the Concordat of 10 February 1925, discusses the strategy of the Communists, "consisting of a gradual transformation of mastery and social system by ideological assumptions (the so-called salami tactics - cutting the slice). "

One of these slices was an attempt to break up the Church from within. Searched for the task at odds with the bishops, priests, often using blackmail. Recruited in this way the priests formed Priests ZBoWiD Commission, which in the counsels of power gave the beginning of a state church, detached from the Vatican and in opposition to the episcopate.

As Cardinal behavior. Stefan Wyszynski, the secret service evaluated?
It turns out that nobody I do not write so well as we resume our enemies.

The documents collected for the purpose of the trial against the Primate, you can read apatriotyczną regrets the attitude of the Cardinal. Here is one of shocking evidence of hostile activity:
Zał.Nr13 - Letter dated 12th Primate I. 1953 to a very active member of the Presidium of the Central Commission of priests, Fr. S. Shepherd. Primate warns Shepherd priest, that his conduct (Rev. Shepherd) is in conflict with canon law and is threatened with excommunication the church. (Primate threatens reprisals here, because Fr. Owczarek very actively encouraged clergy to join the ranks of progressive priests)

not less accusatory evidence was to be "instruction bishops from 9.II. 53 The particularly did not like the Chapter 7 of the condemnation between the lines "of priests and social - progressive" in the sentence, which we now know by heart in a totally different context. Today it is very much like the power and it is very desirable, of course not in the case of Archbishop Życiński whose sermons loved GW and out - the Bishop Pieronek.
And then it sounded like this:

Society Catholic has a good sense of what befits priests, it does not like politicians in robes, the political arguments in the pulpit, he does not like priests (...) in political matters "

problem is that that today, everything is politics, sexual deviations, abortion, euthanasia, social injustice, to celebrate Sunday, the church property, briefcases TW, confessional, and even the content of prayer. Today, even excommunication for the murder of the unborn child is mixing in politics.

for PRL was not different, the struggle with the Church had the same goal, just the methods used then were physically harmed, and today the ideological propaganda and social exclusion. But the church then spoke with one voice, and the size of the Cardinal was that he knew how to protect against breakage and the Church of the nation from moral relativism, denationalization and destruction. The choice belonged to the sheep.

When more and more severed the power of these "slices", the Polish Episcopate chaired by the Polish Primate addressed to the clergy and faithful letter. (25.III.1949 r.)
Zealous officer wynotowuje it believes, in his opinion, hostile to Poland Ludowej.Doskonale realizes what is their essence, they have to fulfill the role. And this letter is information to all the faithful: we know what is happening and we know how we should behave. The letter is a signpost for clergy and lay believers.
for priests, nuns and monks: wrongs, Accept suffering quietly, ready to forgive.

This is not resignation and surrender to repression.
security official documents to prepare an indictment of the Primate Notes:

recommends bishops to the faithful brave stance in defense of the holy faith, courage, open confession of the holy faith in the family, the workplace, in schools, in private life, etc. I literally said: "Defend the Holy Cross, Catholic crosses is not removed from the walls, does not participate in rallies blasphemous, not applied hand to remove religion from schools, closing of Catholic schools. "
officer will not fail to quote the sentence in a document addressed to young people: Youth Catholic
! Do not participate in the meetings bezbożniczych, do not walk between the blasphemers or sit on their board. Do not grab writings hostile to God. Do not sing profane, evokes hatred, and alien spirit of Homeland Christian hymns and songs. Violence committed against thy conscience by young atheists, by letter and unholy unions hold on bravely and with dignity

What today would be a reaction to the letter and the Primate of the Episcopal Kowalczyk?
There is no fear. Such instruction Polish Catholics are no longer accessible. Today the bishops meet, at most, to defend the honor of "philosophers."

At the moment the reins wyobraźni.Stefan Let us today is Cardinal Wyszynski Polish Primate.
How is it treated by the Conference of the Polish Episcopate? What do think about the vetting of the Polish clergy? How to respond to the intervention of the Minister Kopacz accelerated to allow the minor to "Agata" abortion? Behaved like to abuse the cross at the Krakow suburb? Do you forbid priests to participate in the prayers? Are the defenders of the Cross would be in his eyes, or the children of God sect, as he liked to refer to the faithful.? What would he say to us about "Equality Parade", the legalization of marijuana? What, finally, say the leaders of the Solidarity trade union?

These are just some of the questions, only honest answer to it may bring us closer to the size of the Primate of the Millennium and shorten the distance that the teaching of His divides us.


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