The biggest surprise for me, and I think that for many Poles after 1989 was to preserve the Polish clergy, especially the hierarchy, to the social and cultural changes in Poland. In astonishment I discovered a completely different face, which I did not know.
From day to day, from month to month, I discovered that although our bishops do not mix in politics, but I would tend to be on the political salons. Yes, the Holy Mass opening. and sprinkler numerous state and national celebrations, but somehow silent when the going get hurt, fall plants, people lose their jobs en masse, wysprzedawany is the national wealth. A thin voice, talking about threats to Polish families and culture.
This became so common and visible to the naked eye, it has spread to John Paul II. In my memory is still stuck somewhere in the bitter words of the Pope in the fifth, a 10-hour, informal pilgrimage to hill "Kaplicówki" in 1995
"This time do not come to Warsaw to Krakow is not, but to Skoczow. Maybe you will continue to do so. Not inside, but closer to the mountains and closer to the sea. "
unofficial Why, why did not organize the Polish authorities? That might be worth asking at the end of Lech Walesa and the then Prime Minister Oleksy and representatives of the Polish Episcopate?
" Our Homeland is currently facing many difficult problems of social, economic, and political. You have to solve them wisdom and perseverance. But the most fundamental problem remains the issue of moral order. This order is the foundation of every person and every society. Therefore, Poland calls today, above all, a people of conscience "! - these words began the homily.
And then recalled that, as neither the authority nor the bishops probably will not remember.
" Our twentieth century was a period of particular violence inflicted human consciences. In the name of totalitarian ideology, millions of people were forced to violate their deepest convictions. Extremely painful experiences in this regard is the entire East Central Europe. We recall this period of enslave consciences, for contempt for human dignity, the suffering of so many innocent people who own beliefs decided to be faithful. We remember how important the role played in those difficult times, the church as a defender of the rights of conscience - and not just people who believe!
We were asking ourselves in those years the question: "Can history to swim against the current of conscience?" At what price 'may'? Then: at what price? ... This price is, unfortunately, deep wounds in the nation's moral fabric and, above all in the souls of Poles who have not yet healed, that you will need a long time to heal ./.../ Despite appearances, the rights of conscience must be defended even today . Under the banner of tolerance in public life and in the media is rife with often great, maybe more and more intolerant. It is painfully felt by believers. There is a noticeable tendency to marginalize them from social life, mocked and ridiculed what for them is sometimes the most sacred. These forms of discrimination, a recurring concern, and should give much food for thought.
Brothers and Sisters!
time of trial for Polish consciences continues!
You must be strong in your faith!
Today, when you fight for the future shape of society and state, remember that it depends mainly on what will be a man - what will be his conscience. "
must admit that they are not willing to favorite quotes or mentioned pilgrimage.
listened to the homily, the Holy Father of Radio Maryja. And every time I happen to bad things in his homeland, when our freedom is threatened, identity, ridiculed and spat upon religion, go back to it. What was then the Holy Father to say to us? Is today had he lived, powtórzyłby the same thing?
He knew what he was saying because he knew the reality of the experience. For this role the Polish Church prepared in times of contempt Primate of the Millennium Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski. His thought and teaching has focused around the most important task: Making the Polish Church spiritual refuge for all Poles, Poles, Great House, a spiritual homeland, and for the smaller Christian denominations, officially at odds with Catholicism, even non-believers - the defense of their human dignity and Polish.
In contrast to many of today's so-called. authorities. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski was not afraid of being notorious religious nationalist. The universal Church was not for him transnational. Existed and practiced in the family, parish, diocese in the nation and the family of nations. For him there was a true and living "church on the Vistula, Polish church, not just" the Church in Poland. " The Polish Church had to act as a servant. And he her most difficult moments of our post-war history.
And when it came, was not afraid to say
enemies know what the nation is, and what harms it. And if they want him to injure, destroy, what helps him. / ... / Enemies of our people know after that how to relate to God and Christian morality. They are able to assess the meaning of morality for us, they know that it is power and might of the nation that best serves the existence, of wholeness and unity. And that's why people wanted to destroy, destroy his faith and Christian morality. Let us now, dear, from the enemies of appreciation of what best serves the nation's freedom and life. / ... / You have to remember that the nation secured the family more than the limits of the state. boundaries of nation and state flow through the cradle! This is a saved! Remain faithful to this spirit!
Such a church I remember from her youth and the times of martial law. Maybe my horizon is too close? Maybe I do not understand that time is passed, and it is time the church statement, holding away from the policy issues social homeland? Or perhaps it is such, because we already are the others? We've forgotten how our family? __________________
invite you to listen to Internet radio broadcasts in the evening Thursday and its reruns
__________________ Sources:
John Paul II, Homily at Mass St. celebrated on the hill "Kaplicówka" SPEECH Pope - 1995 -
Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, One is Poland, Warsaw 2000
Fr. Czeslaw Bartnik, Christian teaching about the nation according to the Primate, Lublin 1982
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