Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Attack Guide In Pokemondeluge

My homeland is life -

If we are not happy today, as we can be
them tomorrow?
- Phil Bosmans

Frost nips at the cheeks and nose. Sparkle snowflakes and groan under the boots. Pooch pose little feet in drifts, muzzle them rozgarnia, Parisian freestone snow, which pushes the nose forever wąchający everything. I do not know whether its joyous dance around its own tail is the same as my joy. I lack the words to shout out my delight, so I remain silent. And at the heart of thanksgiving for this moment. I could say here and now: Remain instantaneous're happy.
I laugh at myself. As if your ass frozen to the trousers, and the house would be hopelessly far away and desperately cold, empty, without the desire and ability to return, or would you say: perma-going are you happy? How wytrzymałabyś in the cold, and when, instead of thanking zaczęłabyś, curse, cursing fate, blaming the world angry and cold?
Sure, my sweet moment of happiness is carelessness, because sight is my safe, warm home, not at all empty and lonely.

called to order by your own common sense start to return to reality. And this suggests to me a calculator. As the winter is severe, far enough fuel? How przyoszczędzić?
And why so much coal in the stone, wood, why so expensive? Every day I cook for dinner? When did you purchase ... wash. Oh how I hate ironing. And why do I include reading, writing, when and so is the most important soup in the pot ...

Dogs also got something funny. For the feet przyczepiły the balls of snow. Ousting from time to time become lumps of ice, which interfere with the running. Meekly returns to the lead and probably dreaming if dogs are able to dream of a full bowl of chow. At home, pulls out in front of a fireplace, sleeps and have nothing more to be happy he is missing.

And I push myself in a chair with a firm commitment to complete the reading of a wise book. As the kitschy film. Prychające cuts sparks in the fireplace hornbeam, heat spreading through the house. This moment could well continue. How long? I fall into a doze, lazy walk, and hot tea. Once again, unread book. At the order's power. He escaped me time. Do not catch up. Now ordinary hustle home.
If its not there? If I could at will sit in a chair, read, think, dream?

not. The mere thought of such a life is getting sad. I like my bustle, I like to hear: Delicious! Nowhere have eaten such tripe. I like to stick dumplings. I sit It has taken a pastry board, and my only concern is if the cake is not too hard, if not overcooked ... maybe stuffing too salty? And the cheese somehow very impressed and potatoes watery.

Sometimes I forget and escape thoughts of the past. I see my mother like sticks his mug and tells me how you do, would not rozklejały and the dough was not too hard. I sit next to her and ask: A grandmother too blinded dumplings? Well, I know what I'm asking because the dumplings in a long line to set information Mamin memories. Listen and check. Which version is true? This last year or now? Future and on my turn, I remember, and it is my story, because I add, exaggerate, beautifies and dramatic here.

house is warm, odor and taste. Happy is the house where there is room for a real fire and the smell of freshly baked bread. How else is for whom the bread oven, with whom to eat, then it is really the DOM, for whom we live, work, learn, learn, leave and come back.

evening hanging out on the porch. I sink into the darkness, to admire the constellations of stars - the right As the size of a man. I do not even cosmic dust, a speck of soil on Earth, and sees, hears, feels and describes. Beyond measure with the mystery of existence. Sometimes it is so delighted with the stars and admire their ability to believe in his power, and power equal to God. Not only that, says that possessed the secret of happiness and necessarily want others to believe him. Enough, however, that from this zadzierania the top of his head hurt him hump, disappeared a little gray cells, flabby muscles, pale eyes and ears stępiał, and everything goes back to proper proportions.
Not all agree with that. Some, in anticipation of the revolution and the commune of eternal happiness here on earth, pop up a hospital window, I can not stand that a new revolution is still no. I feel sorry for them, pray for them, but I pray to God that their dreams are not fulfilled.

Who came up with that man can not be fully happy because it troubled the loss of happiness? Is not that just such people are asking Phil Bosmans: "If we are not happy today, how can they be tomorrow?"

I do not know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe my future will no longer be? I have no influence on it.
I can still only say with the poet "Ma patrie c'est la vie" . And never mind that it may stop loving me, as long as I live, I love them more than life. And it is good to me is this love.
I can only have a claim to life is that so late before me have discovered his secret.

consolation is that, and so I am lucky, I could die and never figure out why sometimes I'm so happy that I was looking at the stars and fall asleep by the fireplace instead of reading smart books.


- When you cease to be true and worthy, is no longer worth anything - he said. Monicelli was active until the end. Until recently, he participated in protests against the reduction of state subsidies for culture, arguing that it alone stands Italy among other countries. Voted for the Communist Party and had a very subversive beliefs. When asked, what is the best hope, said recently that he hopes that it will end a beautiful revolution. Revolution, which had never been in Italy.


invite on Thursday to listen to Radio 168 broadcast incorrect www.radiopl.pl , and then in reruns until Sunday.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Free Zoophilia Search

Socialism yes - no distortion

next week to Warsaw at the invitation of Grzegorz Napieralski rolling off the cream of the European left, including the heads of government ... - media reports.

And please, no protests, no one recalls the communism, no one even pops that socialism leads to totalitarianism, and that this upcycle world with the release of both the national and internationalist. Nobody calls for blockades and demonstrations.

course, as soon as someone here write me a note at that socialism is not communism.

And so it turns on the year. We fought communism, while PRL was not supposed communist. It was enough to change the name and the Communist Party has become a legitimate socialist party.
Oops, sorry, what socialism, where he is a social democracy. Communists in Poland, it was not and will not be. And that leader - Napieralski in response to the crimes of communist guide only correct under the leadership of the party from which the heiress - SLD will not cut off, he says not a bad system, but about the people who committed these crimes , that's nothing. I waited only Social Democrat in the debate when he denounces Napieralski spell "pseudo-communists" - "Socialism yes, no distortion."

But sentences for Army soldiers, the independence underground activists, peasant movement, it only made the bad people, bad people shooting at them. Bad people are guilty and not the Communist Party, UB and SB. In any system like that.

My shelf of books over the computer bends under the weight of "Atlas of Polish independence underground 1945 - 1956 "Atlas painstaking work that we owe a huge team IPN historians Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation, edited by Raphael in his performance. Thousands of names, dozens of organizations that today some mędrkowie sums up in one word - the nationalists, others straight - "fascists". Were it not for the determination of family, friends, historians, Polish patriots, who still remember the accursed for Soldiers in the Third Republic, which apparently arose from the ashes of communism?

bad guys shooting at them or 'military wing Communist Party ", from which the party Grzegorz Napieralski sees no reason to be cut?

For 20 years, not been resolved whether General Jaruzelski is running on a socialist Russian agent, leading the Polish army to fight its own people or a bad man. Judging by the exploits of the Polish president, nor the Russian agent, nor a communist, pish!, A socialist, nor a bad man. This is the Polish president, who is worthy to serve in the RCN, and advise on Russian Polish relations. What is true is an old and ailing, did not have the strength to testify at the trial concerning the illegal and criminal activity, or the massacre WRON Coast in December 1970, but may advise. Probably for convenience will try to Bronislaw Komorowski, who reportedly belonged to the opposition in communist Poland and boasts veterans of the past. Like me, all that remains is the question. Who and what he fought until Komorowski and me and my friends from the "Solidarity"? For what my husband was sitting, and thousands of activists of the legal union? Why did the miners have been killed, murdered priests, where the victims of martial law?

extremely cynical, breaking a nation in half like a scalpel is another provocation, on the eve of December's anniversaries, Komorowski, the last time here in this note I called the President of the Republic. I will not my homeland and all those who died for her, offended.

with lewackimi militias who openly publish instructions on the Internet against nationalists no one has the intention to wage war, because this is not communism, it's quite legal left. If something you have to fight it with patriotism, which inevitably leads to fascism, read - Nazism.

Selectivity and blurring of the ideological meaning of terms is favorite pastime of politicians. But today, therefore, takes a carefree play with fire, which we know from history.

With a strong and consistent an organization of Jewish Nazism was condemned, and at least "visually" judged. Today we can only argue and have their own opinion about the Nazi ideology and brutal murders Dontsova Bandera, but the discussion is not subject to the "Auschwitz lie", though this is the same ideology deprived of life of hundreds of thousands of people in the name of free space and the citizens of the homeland without spoiling the race.

genocide trial error lies in the fact that the criminals put on trial for the Holocaust, but does not reclaim the are equally strongly about the victims of the Nazi system of other nationalities.
There is also the problem of the crimes of the Russian Revolution and communism, which had the participation of prominent Jews. That's not to be moving off this topic, be okrzykniętym anti-Semite.

for such errors reciprocates repeat history, because evil is banal.

From Eichmann trial in Jerusalem and the implementation of the death sentence passed nearly 50 years. Jewish author Hannah Arendt as a reporter taking part in Jerusalem, the SS is trying not only to describe its course, but answer the question of the origins of totalitarian evil. Not all the answers have satisfied the Jewish Zionists.
This is certainly not:
"'On the dock, sat down in this historical process, not a single person, nor even the Nazi regime alone, but anti-Semitism throughout the entire history." That set the tone of Ben Gurion, Mr. Hausner and faithfully kept it. "

And it seems that the dock can sit still only anti-Semite. The rest of the crimes can be closed in the statement Grzegorz Napieralski: There will always be bad people.

experienced it died on Sunday, the daughter of Gen. Emil Fieldorf - Maria Fieldorf - Czerska.

were never punished murderers of his father. Over the years, unsuccessfully dopominała to the authorities to identify his father's grave.
Why is no one for this judicial murder was not suffering a penalty?
" In communist Poland the people are protected. That is obvious. However, after independence, the judge lacked the political will. But in the early 90s all still alive! Judge Maria Gurowska vein and the famous prosecutor Helena Wolinska, and many other prosecutors and investigators. Unfortunately, the governments of the Third Republic did not care to punish the murderers of the Polish hero "explains .- IPN historian, journalist Jace Pavlovich
(We will find the body of General "Nil" -

In return, GW Ms. Maria okrzyczała antysemitką because she dared to point out that all involved in a bogus process, her father was Jewish. Is this the final investigation into the murder, the court would have occurred if the General was a Jew and the judges were Polish nationalists?

Why do despite numerous evidence of massive crimes, red books of these crimes, is treated differently, not only in Poland but throughout the West fascism, Nazism, and otherwise socialism and communism and its implementers? Why fascism is connected with Nazism and socialism is not associated with communism?

I have my answer, though necessarily simplified.
red totalitarian authorities dropped the ballast of the class struggle. You no longer have the kulak and bourgeois, not the decrees of nationalization, there is no labor camps. Now the red totalitarianism took on a mask of social democracy and the legal waiting patiently.
Why people eugenics scare? Such laws demanded the Nazis just cruel. Socialists or left wing enough to get familiar with the in vitro because of the risk of abortion impaired child.
Why invent some utopian ideology of social parasites? Just compassionate euthanasia, the ill, or too long you will live.
Why take people to their workshops, plants, houses and land? Enough of the Commission Directive and boosted the resolution of the administration point of absurdity - prescriptive.
What is the point closing, torturing and murdering patriots? Just
equate fascism, Nazism with patriotism, and so educated. And grow we internationalists, at which the generation of Stanislaw Brzozowski from "Flames" are naive idealists.
What makes sense to close the priests in prison? Just the committee and the testimony of a former asset esbeka and several obliging to work on changes in the intolerant church. Perverts will also be tracking down and disclosure.
After what the war for the introduction of eternal bliss. Now just polonium, Airplane crash, the agent, the agreement and the gas oven and the power bridge.

Exaggerating? Today they stand guard over democratic procedures and the law? There is no question of a replay?
What shall I do that I still have the ears of European ladies left justify the reasons for the cancellation of the referendum on the TL: is too serious and complicated matter as to give her unconscious in the hands of voters. (I am quoting from memory)
What next such serious and complex matters will pick up democratic procedures?

also remains an open question to the Commissioner about what she meant by saying to the students at the inauguration of the academic year of the Academy Economics in Poznan
3 October 2008:
"Europe is a project beautiful but not easy. Europe does not become the same. We are the ones we build and we are responsible for its future. And the future belongs above all to you, students of the Academy. Fortunately, the young generation of Poles is the generation of true Europeans . I wish you much enthusiasm for a European adventure and the realization of your dreams in it. "

particularly those bold my "real Europeans " arouse my curiosity. What is this "true Europeanism"? And if they know nothing of this young Poles and who, of the March of Independence or those of Taras?
Maybe brave who asks you for a cream left, including the heads of government, descending to Polish aid Napieralskiemu?

Opponents of the March of Independence dressed in prison stripes, because apparently they had pointed out that that's the end tolerating fascism, though it was a patriotic march and not fascists.

In what we have to change, to warn that this ends with a tolerance of socialism?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Im 6 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant When Did I Conceive

Prophecy - Dean Koontz

"Prophecy" was for me a very nice welcome from the works of Dean Koontz, the author of numerous thrillers, horror and crime fiction.
salutation - because it was not the only book I've read this brilliant writer. However, why
pleasant? Here, a lot needs to be replaced ...

First of all note the remarkable story. Content of the song tells us about a man who, in the moment of birth, dying grandfather (in addition to defects in the foot, accurate weights and measures, etc..) Appointed five important dates. Five dates worst days of his life. Along with the birth of Jimmy's grandfather dies. Koontz shows us the vicissitudes of man's special attention to those nightmarish days.

Completion novel alludes to its beginning, but more details can be found only in reading;)

But, what is in the works of Dean Koontz, and rarely appear in books by other writers is a very free approach to writing in a comprehensive sense. Language is a simple book (which does not mean here - colloquial). Author of well-laid out plot in time. Despite that are described only specific moments in the life of the hero of their shares so fluid pace that simply read one page of a new chapter, and is already stuck in this very regular rhythm. Everything is much as it belongs. Not too little and not too much.

Conversations between characters are also very neutral. And this also is a great asset creation Koontz. The reader feels that she has participated in the ongoing dialogue in the pages of the book.

"Prophecy" is one of the best books to read. It triggers different emotions, allows you to move in place and stock shares and experiencing events as if it was their player. The book always keeps you in suspense, there are twists, but everything is presented in a very understandable way - no kinks.

author, with the main character, Jimmy, shows us life in constant fear. With this reading, we see that the danger may lurk in any even the least expected. Koontz proves that nothing is predictable, and some things just have to happen, no matter what we will take steps to offset the risk.

In conclusion, I only tremendously, sincerely and wholeheartedly thank the Dean for what he does for the world literature. For giving so much pleasure in reading the works of the Lord for the opportunity to participate in them, for the lightness of feathers, for inducing so many emotions while reading, the uniqueness, originality and uniqueness, extremely THANK YOU!

I think that in these acknowledgments contained everything I would just refer you :-)


We want YOU to thank for the fact that read my blog and commenting so willingly. Thank you for your help in its development. I know that you all really like :-)


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Find Battery Model Numberlenovo

"The Limits of the nation and the flow through the cradle

The biggest surprise for me, and I think that for many Poles after 1989 was to preserve the Polish clergy, especially the hierarchy, to the social and cultural changes in Poland. In astonishment I discovered a completely different face, which I did not know.

From day to day, from month to month, I discovered that although our bishops do not mix in politics, but I would tend to be on the political salons. Yes, the Holy Mass opening. and sprinkler numerous state and national celebrations, but somehow silent when the going get hurt, fall plants, people lose their jobs en masse, wysprzedawany is the national wealth. A thin voice, talking about threats to Polish families and culture.

This became so common and visible to the naked eye, it has spread to John Paul II. In my memory is still stuck somewhere in the bitter words of the Pope in the fifth, a 10-hour, informal pilgrimage to hill "Kaplicówki" in 1995

"This time do not come to Warsaw to Krakow is not, but to Skoczow. Maybe you will continue to do so. Not inside, but closer to the mountains and closer to the sea. "

unofficial Why, why did not organize the Polish authorities? That might be worth asking at the end of Lech Walesa and the then Prime Minister Oleksy and representatives of the Polish Episcopate?
" Our Homeland is currently facing many difficult problems of social, economic, and political. You have to solve them wisdom and perseverance. But the most fundamental problem remains the issue of moral order. This order is the foundation of every person and every society. Therefore, Poland calls today, above all, a people of conscience "! - these words began the homily.
And then recalled that, as neither the authority nor the bishops probably will not remember.

" Our twentieth century was a period of particular violence inflicted human consciences. In the name of totalitarian ideology, millions of people were forced to violate their deepest convictions. Extremely painful experiences in this regard is the entire East Central Europe. We recall this period of enslave consciences, for contempt for human dignity, the suffering of so many innocent people who own beliefs decided to be faithful. We remember how important the role played in those difficult times, the church as a defender of the rights of conscience - and not just people who believe!
We were asking ourselves in those years the question: "Can history to swim against the current of conscience?" At what price 'may'? Then: at what price? ... This price is, unfortunately, deep wounds in the nation's moral fabric and, above all in the souls of Poles who have not yet healed, that you will need a long time to heal ./.../ Despite appearances, the rights of conscience must be defended even today . Under the banner of tolerance in public life and in the media is rife with often great, maybe more and more intolerant. It is painfully felt by believers. There is a noticeable tendency to marginalize them from social life, mocked and ridiculed what for them is sometimes the most sacred. These forms of discrimination, a recurring concern, and should give much food for thought.
Brothers and Sisters!
time of trial for Polish consciences continues!
You must be strong in your faith!
Today, when you fight for the future shape of society and state, remember that it depends mainly on what will be a man - what will be his conscience. "

must admit that they are not willing to favorite quotes or mentioned pilgrimage.

listened to the homily, the Holy Father of Radio Maryja. And every time I happen to bad things in his homeland, when our freedom is threatened, identity, ridiculed and spat upon religion, go back to it. What was then the Holy Father to say to us? Is today had he lived, powtórzyłby the same thing?

I stay in the sentence: remember how important the role played in those difficult times, the church as a defender of rights of conscience - and not just believers.
He knew what he was saying because he knew the reality of the experience. For this role the Polish Church prepared in times of contempt Primate of the Millennium Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski. His thought and teaching has focused around the most important task: Making the Polish Church spiritual refuge for all Poles, Poles, Great House, a spiritual homeland, and for the smaller Christian denominations, officially at odds with Catholicism, even non-believers - the defense of their human dignity and Polish.

In contrast to many of today's so-called. authorities. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski was not afraid of being notorious religious nationalist. The universal Church was not for him transnational. Existed and practiced in the family, parish, diocese in the nation and the family of nations. For him there was a true and living "church on the Vistula, Polish church, not just" the Church in Poland. " The Polish Church had to act as a servant. And he her most difficult moments of our post-war history.

And when it came, was not afraid to say
enemies know what the nation is, and what harms it. And if they want him to injure, destroy, what helps him. / ... / Enemies of our people know after that how to relate to God and Christian morality. They are able to assess the meaning of morality for us, they know that it is power and might of the nation that best serves the existence, of wholeness and unity. And that's why people wanted to destroy, destroy his faith and Christian morality. Let us now, dear, from the enemies of appreciation of what best serves the nation's freedom and life. / ... / You have to remember that the nation secured the family more than the limits of the state. boundaries of nation and state flow through the cradle! This is a saved! Remain faithful to this spirit!

Such a church I remember from her youth and the times of martial law. Maybe my horizon is too close? Maybe I do not understand that time is passed, and it is time the church statement, holding away from the policy issues social homeland? Or perhaps it is such, because we already are the others? We've forgotten how our family? __________________

invite you to listen to Internet radio broadcasts in the evening Thursday and its reruns

__________________ Sources:
John Paul II, Homily at Mass St. celebrated on the hill "Kaplicówka" SPEECH Pope - 1995 - http://mateusz.pl/jp99/pp/1995/pp19950522b.htm
Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, One is Poland, Warsaw 2000
Fr. Czeslaw Bartnik, Christian teaching about the nation according to the Primate, Lublin 1982

Friday, November 12, 2010

Funny Things To Wright In Wedding Cards

White Tower - Ola Bocheńska

Cover Description:
Young doctors, Marina Błajet, although doing well with saving the lives of other people did not quite know what to do with your own. But everything changes when he meets the painter Morgensena Vitto, who claims to have visited him in dreams, it met in reality. The case seems to be inevitable, the heroes of the doomed romantic feeling, but an old truth that nothing is so, what seems to be verified in this story. Crazy love Is it really love? Who is lying and can better not to know, since you can not always trust what they see through our own eyes? Full of humor and irony the story of an unusual feeling of two people who must believe that the spirits to travel, do not need low-cost airlines, and the dimension of the convention, called the real world and the dream is closer than we think.

My review:

And so today's review will be rather short, because frankly admit that there is nothing much to write about the "White Tower".
When last week I went to the library to hunt, some borrowed sensationalism, crime ... and still thinking about a light, pleasant book. I walked through the library and walked until I came across this very position. From your description it seemed to me that this is what you are looking for, but I admit to disappoint.
Indeed, the history contained in the book are quite trivial and basically I wanted - a banal story, because I wanted it. And this time, I came across a plate love, where two people for a while the world outside can not see each other, then there is a pregnant woman, which destroys their happiness. Followed by a week to myself not revived until the end of the day (it was not creative) that a woman is pregnant with her brother Vitto, a situation exists which was a big misunderstanding. In the end, Marina and Vitto reconcile and live happily ever after.
That's all it is not yet so bad were it not that the story is presented in a somewhat boring way.
For rules I tried to read everything, without omitting any of the parties. But stand it in this way only half of the book. In the second half of the descriptions of the morning I left kilkustronowe Marina, how stands up, brushes his teeth, wondering what to wear and very nearly describes the composition of cereal, which she ate a few minutes earlier. Since the quarrel with Vitto, Marina non-stop wonders what's next, what to do, how to proceed, or call, or not, whether to speak or to wait until he does, whether he ever resumes even if they will have a chance for a happy life, whether it is the end, if there is still hope, and so on ...
reading the description of low-cost aircraft flying ghosts and mysterious dreams, expecting something unique, unusual, original, and this time it turned out that the only reference to these timeless aspect was the fact that the main characters dreamed up at one time the same dreams.

This is only my subjective assessment, but if anyone is looking for a simple, pleasant addictive novels, it's definitely not recommend the White Tower, because with this book myself more tired than wypoczęłam. Although I admit, there were interesting pieces, but to be honest too many were not there.

Well, such a life.
Not really I realize that Bocheńska Ola wrote a book yet, but even if, after it is rather not reach for. ________________


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Intitle I-catcher Console - Web Monitor'

Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket - a book for children or for adults?

first Annoying the beginning of the second
Cabinet reptiles
third Huge window
4th Sawmill torture
5th University of antipathy
6th Elevator spectrum
7th Nasty village
8th Harmful hospital
9. Bloodthirsty carnival
10th Zjezdne slope
11th Dangerous cave
12th The penultimate trap
13th In the end

My review:
Series of Unfortunate Events are often classified as children's literature. "Incredible horror for children" - we can read in many reviews. Indeed, the book tells the story of three children, the oldest of which Violet is 14 years old and the youngest only Sunny learns to speak. The language is easy to get to the youngest readers. Frequent inclusions of the author, his translations of difficult words included in the content of the song help their understanding of reading text.
Baudelaire siblings (Violet, Klaus and Sunny), we meet at a time when they learn to fire their big house and the death of their former life rodziców.Wtedy will be ruined. They come under the care of a relative of Count Olaf, who treats them very harshly and still waiting for a great fortune, which is entrusted to him until they come of age by Violet. With time, despite the fraud, people argue about his vile nature. In subsequent volumes, Count Olaf goes to ever more dangerous acts. Steals, masquerades, burns and kills. He does not respect the lives of others people.
Story "Series of Unfortunate Events" has a sense portable. Children see the horror of this story actually, but people are more mature, adult, you will discover its message about life, its meaning, and particularly brutal. Example of Count Olaf, who disguises herself as different people, thus giving rise occasionally funny situations, illustrated by the bad people, thieves, murderers and the culprits. The Baudelaire orphan symbolize good warriors, fighting for his victory over evil.
Through 13 novels scrolls are many different topics. I am personally most Boggy topic intrigued triplets. Two of them were initially considered that the third was dead, but later, Quigley finds himself and is happy to return to the other two siblings. Unfortunately, in recent volumes do not already know the fate of triplets, on the very bemoaned.
narrator, Lemony Snicket, still repeats the story of Violet, Klaus and Sunny will not end happily. When it seems that everything is already starting to, it will be all right, it was he who deprives the reader hopes for a joyful finale events.

So how will the story? How many people die unjustly? Will Count Olaf finally be punished for their evil deeds? And who is the mysterious Beatrice?
That I can not tell, but certainly recommend this book to readers of every generation, really, because it changes the view of the world, shows what every day often do not notice.
I read that series about a year ago, and although I'm happy that I got to know the story, because from the very beginning I could look at it from the perspective of mature man. I do not think that it was time wasted on trivial children's book because "series ..." it just is not.
I am sure that yet again reach for the reading of this unusual and fascinating novel.

invite you to visit and comment:) Greetings